CPC Meeting 11-18-2021 Minutes FINAL-APPROVED Community Preservation Committee Meeting Notes
November 18, 2021
this winter not possible and therefore needs to be postponed.
Buchsbaum moves to approve the extension of the Gillis Park/Pleasant View Beach Stone
Staircase Restoration MOU until June 30, 2022. Seconded by Bussone. Deschamps takes a
roll-call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
d. YMCA Housing Project Renovation & Expansion
Kevin McCarthy, of the YMCA of the North Shore, requests an extension of the MOU for
this project. This request was submitted after the agenda had been posted but does fit
under this topic of discussion.
McCrory moves to extend the YMCA Housing Project MOU until June 30, 2022.
Seconded by Beckwith. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 7-0, with
Edwards abstaining due to technical difficulties.
7. Review and Acceptance of Meeting Minutes
i. Minutes from October 21,2021
Members offer recommended edits and changes to the draft meeting minutes.
McCrory moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Buchsbaum.
Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
8. Adiournment
Bussone makes a motion to adjourn at 9:56 p.m. Seconded by McCrory. Deschamps takes a
roll-call vote. The motion carries 8-0.
The next regular meeting of the Community Preservation Committee will be held virtually on
Thursday, December 16, 2021, via Google Meet.