BHMA Minutes November 17, 2021 Harbor Management Authority Minutes of November 17, 2021 Meeting Suminsby motions to make an additional amendment to increase the administration fee for 50- amp service to $400. Seconded by Rotondo. Discussion: Suminsby notes that the admin fee increase from $175 to $250 that they just voted on is only for 30 amp service. The amendment is approved by roll call, 7-0. The main motion as amended currently before the HMA, to keep kayak and recreational marina rates the same and to raise the administration fee to $250 for 30-amp service and $400 for 50- amp service, is approved by roll call, 7-0. Holiday Gathering Earl announces that this will take place on Tuesday, 12/14, from 6:30-8:30pm at Jubilee Yacht Club. It will be inside but ventilation is good and the room is large. Rotondo will reach out to invite the City Council. Adiournment There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Herman makes a motion to adjourn. Rotondo seconds. Motion to adjourn is approved by roll call (7-0). The HMA Meeting is adjourned at 8:50 pm. 4 1 Page