PR02042016 ■ They have some funding ■ CPC Grant approved for$35,000 (APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL) o Steve Frederickson looking into designs—Working with Commission on Disabilities o Project total cost$50,000 o Met with MobiMat representative on 1/4/16 to visits sites and look at materials needed ■ Speaking with current customers on Cape Cod and other communities to get feedback o Installation targeted for May/June 2016 - Cove Tennis Courts: o Approved by CPC for$100,000 o Working with BRTC& neighbors to raise balance of funding—Approximately$60,000 o Estimates from SportTek-$160,000 total cost o Need to create RFP for work to be bid out - Pete's Park(formerly Longfellow Park in Centerville) o Bruce reviewed basic plans for Pete's Park based on his meeting with John Frates and Courtney McCullough. List of 2015 CPA Projects: NOTE: All of these applications were approved by the CPC and by the City Council vote. Park Project CPA Amount Comments Dane Street Beach New Play Structure $60,000 $175,000 total cost(Rec $50K& Lynch Trustees$20K, private fundraising$45K) Dane Street Beach ADA Accessible Path& Beach $15,000 Total cost$20,000 (Split w/ Lynch Chairs Trustees?) Lynch Park ADA Accessible Path& Beach $20,000 Total cost$30,000 (Split w/ Lynch Chairs Trustees?) Cove Park New tennis courts and fencing $100,000 Total cost$160K (Private fundraising& (2 courts) Lynch Trustees?) Meeting adjourned at 8;25PM. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation &Community Services