PR12012016 Cahill Park I New tennis court and fencing $50,000 Total cost: $75,000—NOT APPROVED!!
END OF YEAR SUMMARY- 2016 Projects:
- Lynch Park Security Cameras: COMPLETED June 2016
Lynch Park Carriage House Doors/Windows: COMPLETED May 2016
- Obear Park Pavilion: COMPLETED October 2016
- Dane Street Beach/Lyons Park Play Structure: COMPLETED June 2016
- Pete's Park: In Progress—Targeting 2017 completion (CPC$75,000)
- Oak Heights Playground: In Progess—Targeting 2017 completion (CPC$50,000)
- Vittori Park: In Progress—Targeting 2017 completion (CPC$25,000)
- Carriage House Feasibility Study&Preservation Plan: Started November 2016
- Independence Park Improvements: Started November 2016
- Pickleball Courts @ Obear Park—COMPLETED May 2016
- ADA Accessible Paths&Wheelchairs @ Dane Street: In Progress- Spring 2017 (CPC$15,000)
- ADA Accessible Paths&Wheelchairs @ Lynch Park Beaches: In Progress-Spring 2017 (CPC$20,000)
- Replace Tennis Courts @ Cove Playground: In Progress- Spring 2017 (CPC$100,000)
- Lynch Park Tot Lot—Reinstall: Looking for installer—Fall 2017
- Carriage House Fire: Repairs in progress
- Playground Inspections—Ongoing inventory of parks,fields, courts, playgrounds and issues
- Beverly Dog Park—Working with ACO Matt Lapinski to make improvements
2016 Programs/Events:
- PAWZ—34 kids participated
- Momball—17'year—Lots of funds raised each year for Beverly schools and local charities.
- Field Summit—Annual meeting of all field users to discuss issues
- Fundraising Races @ Lynch Park—We host many local charities each year for their event
- Carriage House Functions—Many weddings, reunions, parties, collations, etc.
- Memorial Day Parade&Veterans's Day Ceremonies—Bev Rec staff helped plan and support both events
- Over 20 Concerts/7 Movies— Including first ever drive-in movie at Lynch
- Beverly Homecoming/Beverly's New Year— Bev Rec major supporter of these great community events.
- North Pole Calling—"Santa" called about 75 children!!
- Enrichment Classes—Kudos to Joscelyn for great job on Web Site, Brochure&Social Media
2016 Accomplishments:
- $491K Revenues/$397K Enterprise Fund balance— Both are department historical highs
- Camps/Parks/CITs—Over 120 employed for the summer!! Including 4 federally-funded Fir$t Jobs kids.
- MRPA NE Regional Rep/Conference Committee—Bruce&Joscelyn continue to contribute to state organization.
Thank you all very much for your time, help and support again this year. Without your support, we could not do the
things we do for the citizens of Beverly!
Of course, thank you very much to the best staff anywhere-Gail,Joscelyn and lean, for all of their help and support
throughout the year. We have great staff members and I appreciate all of their efforts each year to make our
department the best around!!
Meeting adjourned at 7.•15PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation&Community Services