PR11042021 o Met w/ Mayor Cahill to discuss priorities and LWCF grant funding. The proposed list of courts to be repaired include: ■ Cove Tennis (2 courts w/ fencing) ■ Cahill Park Tennis (1 court w/ fencing) ■ Bartlett Gardens Basketball ■ Holcroft Park Basketball ■ Park Street Basketball ■ Hellard-Hubis Basketball o This project will cost about $800,000. The goal is to receive a $300,000 LWCF grant, CPC grants, Lynch Trustee funding ($80,000 approved) and possibly some private donations. This project will need to be designed, estimated and then bid out to determine the actual cost and scope of the total project. If the LWCF grant is awarded, the announcement will probably be in the spring or early summer of 2022. 2019-2020 CPA Pro'ects: Round 7 Park Proiect CPA Comments Request Gillis Park Restoration of stone stairway leading $22,635 Quote from Murray Masonry for $17,450. from playground area to Pleasant Quote from Roger Tremblay for $9900 View Beach. Concerns about ADA accessibility to beach? Need RDA from Con Comm. Requested an extension to the current MOU to completed RDA and select contractor. Hope to complete project in the fall. 2020-2021 CPA Pro'ects: Round 8 Park Proiect CPA Comments Reciuest Wentworth Tot Renovating play area on Wentworth APPROVED Starting private fundraising ($15K) Lot Drive. Possible community gardens? $20K Need Con Comm approval due to proximity to wetlands? Additional funding from Lynch Trustees & POY budget line? 2021-2022 CPA Protect??: Round 9? Park Proiect CPA Comments Re_quest Holcroft Renovate Holcroft Park on Gage TBD in next Working w/ Councilor Ames. Park/Gage Street with some new equipment, funding Looking for grants, business sponsorships, Street benches, tables, court improvements, round? private donations, etc. etc. Additional funding from PARC grant, Lynch Trustees & POY budget line. Parisella family- $5000+ donation in memory of Ralph and others Meeting adjourned at 8;05PM, Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation &Community Services