PR12022021 - Summer Parks&Camps—Another great year of fun for the kids&staff despite restrictions.
- Memorial Day Parade&Veterans' Day Ceremonies—Bev Rec staff helped plan and support both events
- Over 20 Concerts/7 Movies—Lots of great entertainment for families during the summer
- Beverly Homecoming/Beverly's New Year— Bev Rec major supporter of these great community events.
- Halloween Haunted Forest @ Camp Paradise— Planning many improvements for 2022
- North Pole Calling—Santa getting ready for another great year
- Enrichment Classes—Another great job by Jon,Jean and Gail to run several classes
- Basketba II/Corn hole Leagues—Jon's dream of running these leagues came true this summer and fall
- Cyclocross Bike Race& Harbor Fest—Hosted these events at Dane Street Beach and Lynch Park. Great turnouts
for both events.
2021 Accomplishments:
- New turf added to BHS field inside track!!
- Repairs to Lynch Park/Carriage House/Rec Offices—Worked with students from Essex Tech to improve lighting
and electrical service in offices and band shell. Still looking to replace lighting in shell by next year.
- Camps/Parks/CITs—Over 120 employed for the summer!! Including 2 federally-funded Fir$t Jobs kids.
- MRPA NE Conference Committee—Bruce&Jon continue to contribute to state organization.
- Pickleball Courts—Meetings with Ballers and Mayor Cahill, Open Space Committee&City Council to get the
pickleball rolling on creating a larger court inventory where possible.
- $250,000 Donation—To be received for installing 2 viewers and a plaque in memory of Jean Cunningham.
Bruce thanked the Commission members for their support support throughout the year.
Bruce thanked Valentino Eramo,Jon Paddol,Jean Belanger and Gail Carmody for their dedication to Beverly Recreation
for the past several years. has helped me and Jon to focus on continuing to improve our facilities and programs.
Bruce also thanked a also have great summer staff members and I appreciate all of their efforts each year to make our
department the best around!
Meeting adjourned at 7;15PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation &Community Services