BHMA Minutes October 20, 2021 Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of October 20, 2021 Meeting
Callaghan reports that he reached out to Planning Director Wynn, and she did not feel that site
visits were necessary. Callaghan is not sure if Joscelyn, the Mayor's Chief of Staff, needs to
provide input on this project. Rotondo notes that he believes the cost of this project is below the
threshold requiring it to go out for bidding. Deschamps will confirm this with Gelineau, the
Purchasing Agent.
Coastal Pollutant Remediation Grant
Flaherty reports that she thinks this is off the table for now. The grant does not seem to make
sense for stormwater runoff at the Lothrop Street public way sites. It may make more sense for
the end of Congress Street or water quality on the Lawrence Brook for another group.
Bass River CAD cell Seaport Grant
Callaghan reports that he, Neuman, and Earl will be meeting with Foth on November 2nd. He
adds that their biggest concern seems to be about depths.
Customer Parking and Agreement Changes
Rotondo reports that he spoke with the Mayor and Solicitor Williams, and changes will be made
to the contracts before the recreational contracts are scheduled to go out.
Promoting Winter Slip Leasing
Ciancarelli reports that a flyer has been produced and posted in various places. Flaherty notes
that they could also promote this on the Glover Wharf Facebook page. Ciancarelli adds that they
are not allowing liveaboards at the marina.
Kayak Racks
Suminsby reports that the racks are still on backorder.
Commercial Hoist Construction Grant& Pier Appendage/Fishing Float En2ineerin2 Grant
Rotondo reports that the City Council has voted on these, and they should be moving forward.
There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening,
Suminsby makes a motion to adjourn. Rotondo seconds. Motion to adjourn is approved by roll
call (6-0).
The HMA Meeting is adjourned at 8:00 pm.
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