CPC Meeting 08-19-2021 Minutes- final-approved Community Preservation Committee Meeting Notes August 19, 2021 reviewed and receiving final signatures. Ms. Marino asks whose responsibility it is to take action when an MOU is nearing its expiration date and the project is incomplete. Ms. Deschamps states that she has been reaching out to project proponents but in fact, according to the MOD's, they are supposed to initiate action. Mr. Beckwith recommends that administration update MOUs with expiry conditions so as to avoid making additional motions in the future. Ms. McCrory makes a motion to delegate to city staff the authority to extend the expiration date for the Balch Street exterior door project for good cause until December 31, 2021. Mr. Beckwith seconds. Ms. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. All members in favor; motion passes 5-0. d. Ms. Deschamps states that there are several projects that have not begun construction. Ms. Marino asserts that Dawn Goodman of the Beverly Housing Authority, will or should provide Ms. Deschamps with an updated version of the MOU projects. 7. Members are Invited to Share Items of Interest to the CPC There being no items to discuss for this topic, the members move on to the next agenda item. 8. Adiournment Ms. Marino makes a motion to adjourn at 9:04 p.m. Seconded by Ms. McCrory. All members in favor; the motion passes 5-0. 3