CPC 5_20_2021 Minutes -FINAL-APPROVED Community Preservation Committee May 20, 2021 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: May 20, 2021 LOCATION: Remotely held meeting through Google Hangouts Meet MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Heather Richter, Marilyn McCrory, Robert Buchsbaum, Derek Beckwith, John Hall, Thomas Bussone, Wendy Pearl, Christy Edwards MEMBERS ABSENT: Nancy Marino OTHERS PRESENT: Economic Development Planner and CPC staff Denise Deschamps RECORDER: Sarah Scott-Nelson Call to Order Chairperson Heather Richter calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and reads a prepared statement introducing the meeting, the authority to hold a remote meeting,public access and public participation, and meeting ground rules. Richter takes roll call attendance. Supporting materials that have been provided to members of this body are available from the Planning Department via Denise Deschamps. The public is encouraged to follow along using the posted agenda. Review and acceptance of meeting minutes from CPC meetings that took place on April 15 and April 29 and the Joint meeting with the City Council that took place on April 26. The Committee reviews the April 15, 2021 minutes and offers edits. Moves to postpone the voting of minutes until Deschamps researches one substantive edit. Seconded by McCrory. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 9-0. The Committee reviews the April 29, 2021 minutes and offers edits. McCrory moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Hall. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 9-0. • The Committee reviews the April 26, 2021special joint meeting minutes and offers edits that were previously identified by CPC members including the following: (1)Page 1- Under the heading that begins with "Public Discussion", 3rd line, sentence begins with "Around" and it should be "Round" because the reference was to the CPC's 8th funding round; (2) Page 6-paragraph at top of page, last line. There is a misplaced comma. Figure should be $65,000.00; (3)Page 6-4th paragraph, 2nd line. Replace the word "available" with "is allowable" Community Preservation Committee May 20, 2021 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Beckwith moves that the Committee recommend the discussed edits to the minutes from the April 26, 2021 Joint meeting of the City Council and the CPC be forwarded to the City Council. Seconded by McCrory. Deschamps takes a roll-call vote. The motion carries 9-0. Proiect Updates Project Updates Deschamps provides updates on three projects, funded with CPA dollars, that are underway: (1) the document preservation project undertaken by the City Clerk's office, which was funded in Round 6, has been completed under budget, (2) Harborlight Community Partners will be starting site work at the location of the Anchor Point development by the end of May, and(3)that there was one invoice from NASCAP for COVID-19 emergency housing for$2589.84. The Committee discusses the City Clerk Historic Records Conservation Project, and several issues that have arisen in the past regarding this project including the types of treatment applied to each document in order to conserve it, how these documents should be handled going, forward (i.e. should the originals be taken out of circulation to the general public if they have been saved electronically), and proper methods of storage. Beckwith notes that the Committee had requested more information about what was done for the project, including what treatment was applied to the documents and where the records were being stored. Deschamps notes that she did ask City Clerk Lisa Kent to provide information about the treatments applied to the documents and Kent did ask for and receive, from the vendor, a list of treatments they apply as appropriate. The list did not describe the treatment(s) applied to individual documents that were included in this project. Deschamps also stated that Kent confirmed that the documents continue to be stored in the basement of Beverly City Hall as there is no alternative at this time. Pearl asks if digitizing the records could be considered a form of preservation and wonders whether this could be eligible for CPA funding. Beckwith suggests inviting the City Clerk to a discussion regarding City Hall Document Preservation. Deschamps said that she will reach out to the City Clerk. Reminder: Three Community Preservation Committee Member Terms Expiring in July 2021 Deschamps notes that Robert Buchsbaum, Thomas Bussone, and John Hall's terms will expire in July 2021. Hall notes that he will not ask to be reappointed. Buchsbaum and Bussone comment that they are uncertain whether they will return but that both Bussone and Buchsbaum will put the matter before the Beverly Housing Authority Board of Directors and the Conservation Commission , respectively, to dicuss who, from each Committee will represent their interests on the CPC. Reminder: Election of Officers in June 2021 Richter invites the Committee to keep in mind that Election of Officers will take place during the June 2021 CPC meeting and encourages any members who are interested to run for these positions. CPA Budget FY22 Community Preservation Committee May 20, 2021 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 Deschamps notes that the CPA budget will be discussed at the June 2021 meeting. CPC Members are Invited to share information regarding relevant items or events Deschamps notes that she shared with the CPC an invitation from Harborlight Community Partners, which was sent to many groups and committees in Beverly, to attend a Housing Institute to help people understand issues related to the development of affordable housing. Adiournment Bussone moves to adjourn at 8:02 p.m. Seconded by Hall. Richter takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 9-0. The next regular meeting of the Community Preservation Committee will take place at 7:00 p.m. on June 17, 2021.