BHMA Minutes April 21, 2021 Harbor Management Authority Minutes of April 21, 2021 Meeting CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: April 21, 2021 Location: Virtual via Google Meet Members Present: Chair Paul Earl, Vice Chair Emily Flaherty, Todd Callaghan, Larry Herman, Don Neuman, David Suminsby, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo Members Absent: George Simon, Sean Ciancarelli (Marina Manager) Others Present: Bryant Ayles, Denise Deschamps Recorder: Brett Bauer Earl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and roll call is taken. Approval of Minutes Callaghan motions to approve the February 17, 2021 minutes. Seconded by Herman. The motion is approved by roll call, 7-0, with one abstention. Rand motions to approve the March 15, 2021 minutes. Seconded by Callaghan. Neuman provides editorial comments and corrections. The motion is approved by roll call, 8-0. Financials Report including FY22 budget presentation by Bryant Ayles Ayles presents the City's FY22 budget being $140 million and $3 million out of balance. He notes a $1.2 million year over year increase in debt service due to borrowing for the construction of the new middle school and police buildings. He also notes the solid waste management contracts are coming due and the new contracts are likely to be much higher. In regard to revenues, Ayles notes that they are lagging in meals & lodging taxes, excise taxes, and permitting fees, but they have benefited from the state drawing down the rainy-day fund. Earl reports that revenues are exceeding what was budgeted and their expenses are in good shape. Costs have been incurred on two projects: the hoist pier and CAD cell. He expects to have approximately $500k in the capital fund by the end of FY21. For the FY22 budget, Earl has assumed the recreational and commercial marinas will be full as both have waiting lists. He has assumed 6 boats for the recreation side winter season. Administration fees are included in all of these in the revenue assumptions. He added $500 for transient slips/moorings, and has revenue lines for both dinghy storage at glover wharf and the kayak racks. The total budgeted operating revenue is $195,062. Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of April 21, 2021 Meeting For expenses in the FY22 budget, Earl has included the fee for the marina manager(Ciancarelli). He has increased the amount for summer help by $5k and feels they should try to hire someone for the summer. Float maintenance is the same. Pier maintenance has been reduced. Utility expenses have been increased, but Earl will confirm if these include utilities for the harbormaster building as he does not believe they should fall to the HMA. The Consultants expense line is for exploring new projects. The Civic Expenditures line is for Harbor Fest. They will need to decide if Harbor Fest can be held in September this year by the next meeting. And the final line is the routine transfer to the Beverly General Fund. The total budgeted operating expenses come out to $136,500. Neuman asks if they need to include an expense item for a diver to clean the bottom of the floats. Earl will check on this. Earl has talked with Ayles about separating out the larger projects in the budget spreadsheet. For the Hoist Pier, GZA had suggested to Earl that the budget be increased from $750k to $820k because of repairs needed to the seawall and boardwalk. For the CAD Cell, Foth is charging $175k. The seaport grant is an 80/20 match. The match of$35k will come from the WIF (Waterfront Improvement Fund)but that requires city council approval and money to start the project is needed now. So, Earl has budgeted pulling $35k from the capital fund now—to be paid back in FY22. As a small project, they may spend $5k for the end of Congress Street. Neuman asks what the process is for withdrawals from the WIF. Ayles responds that it would need to be initiated by the Mayor and then go to the City Council for a simple majority vote. Anyone could bring the matter up with the Mayor, but he is likely to consult with Ayles one way or the other. And this can be done any time before the project is completed, so waiting until FY22 is fine. Viewing Machines at Parks Herman reports that a third company has been identified that manufactures viewing machines called Tower Optical and located in Norwalk, CT. Rather than selling their machines, they lease them for $600/month for a minimum of three years, and this does not include maintenance or installation. Callaghan feels this option is not worth further consideration. Herman reports that the Rotary Club did not approve a grant for this project. Earl states that he is in support of one of the hi/low combo machines at Independence Park as a pilot project and adds that he has seen these have a positive impact in other towns. Rotondo asks if CPC funding would be appropriate for this. Deschamps does not believe this would qualify as a recreation project under the CPC program. Callaghan supports this along with some explanation of what can be seen and how landmarks can serve in wayfinding. Rand supports the idea and also likes smaller projects that have an immediate impact. Flaherty asks for confirmation that the intended location is by the steps at the park. Herman notes that the cost with installation will be about$6k. Earl motions to approve $7k for the purchase and installation of a combo viewing machine at Independence Park. Seconded by Callaghan. Flaherty expresses some concern about the location in terms of erosion. The motion is amended to make the installation location contingent upon approval by the appropriate city departments and boards. The motion is approved by roll call, 8-0. 1 Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of April 21, 2021 Meeting Bass River Clean Up Flaherty does not have many updates to report on this project. She notes that a dumpster does not need to be on site. Rotondo notes that other neighborhood associations are doing clean ups in this area. Public Pier Planks Replacement Earl reports that this is in progress. Customer Parkin Earl notes that any contingency plans should be communicated to recreational boaters in May and adds that some signage may also be needed. Earl has some concerns about out-of-state cars of people going to Baker's Island being parked under the bridge for multiple days and about large trucks and equipment taking up multiple parking spaces. Callaghan asks if a sticker program makes sense for paid marina customers. Earl responds that both signage and a sticker program could be utilized subject to legal review. Rotondo asks if a friendly reminder flyer could be placed on vehicles, and he suggests limiting parking to no more than 48 hours. He offers to provide draft language. Neuman asks if they can only allow cars into the parking area that have stickers. Rand voices concerns about privatizing this parking area for exclusive use of the marina and feels this would need to be part of a larger conversation. Rotondo suggests marking parking spaces as designated for marina customers and visitors. Earl and Rotondo will talk to Ciancarelli and the City Solicitor about a sticker program. New Business Neuman notes two items not included on the agenda: 1) concerns that construction at 59 Washington Street is encroaching on city property that is the public waterfront access. Rand states that she has tried connecting with Jenna about this. 2) the idea of requiring a small annual fee to remain on the waitlist to provide better confidence that those who are listed are still interested. Earl notes that this can be added to the May meeting agenda. Commercial Hoist Construction Grant& Pier Appendage/Fishing Float EnOneerin2 Grant Earl reports that he recently had a meeting about the commercial hoist grant, and the application should get submitted by the May 1 deadline. The grant application for the pier appendage engineering may not get submitted this year. Falco Proposal Earl reports that the contract is in process for signature by the Mayor. Boathouse Restaurant Earl reports that they are still planning to open by April/May 2022. Bloom has expressed interest in boat slips or use of transient moorings with a shuttle service. Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of April 21, 2021 Meeting Obear Park Coastal Resiliency Study Flaherty reports that another consultant has been brought in for some new ideas. Rotondo notes that the presentation from April 15th will be uploaded. Earl adds that another public forum is coming up in June. Bass River CAD Cell Seaport Grant Earl notes that this is moving forward and he would like to involve Callaghan. NSIV Blue Initiative Earl will defer discussion until next meeting. Birarelli Public Access No updates. Facilities Committee Report Earl reports that two commercial customers that have owed money for some times have been referred to the City Solicitor and 14-day notice letters have been sent. He adds that there are two recreational customers that have not yet paid in full for the upcoming season. Congress Street Pocket Park Flaherty reports that CZM viewed this site with Earl and Barbara Warren, and they felt it would be a great site to implement stormwater management improvements. The pocket park as currently designed is not well suited for stormwater management. There is a Coast Pollution Remediation (CPR) grant program available. Flaherty notes that she does not have capacity to take on this project, and she feels that it should not fall on a volunteer group. Earl asks if this is an 80/20 grant. Callaghan believes that it is a reimbursement grant and adds that he spoke to the grant administrator about it. They thought it would look better for the grant program if it was part of a larger study/project to address stormwater runoff into the ocean city-wide, and not just at Congress Street. Adiournment There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Suminsby makes a motion to adjourn. Callaghan seconds. Motion to adjourn approved by roll call (7-0). The HMA Meeting is adjourned at 9:20 pm. Page