BHMA Minutes March 17, 2021 Harbor Management Authority Minutes of March 17, 2021 Meeting CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: March 17, 2021 Location: Virtual via Google Meet Members Present: Chair Paul Earl, Vice Chair Emily Flaherty, Todd Callaghan, Larry Herman, Don Neuman, George Simon, David Suminsby, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo Members Absent: None Others Present: Sean Ciancarelli (Marina Manager), Kenneth Smith Recorder: Brett Bauer Earl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and roll call is taken. Approval of Minutes Deferred to the next meeting. Financials Report Earl reports that the numbers are in good shape. Ayles has been invited to the next meeting to discuss next year's budget. Earl would like to discuss how the City tracks expenses and would prefer to have clearer lines for expenses and revenue. He notes that Ciancarelli cleaned up the expenses from GZA. Neuman notes that he would like to add a line for the CAD cell grant as capital income. Earl notes that for the four or so customers that still owe a combined total of $15k - he would just want them to communicate, have a plan, and follow the plan. Birarelli Public Access Neuman reports that Rotondo helped him arrange a meeting with Tom Birarelli. Birarelli is interested in having a good relationship with the City and expressed interest in being involved with the HMA. He has said the family has plans to improve the wharf property and Neuman feels this may be an opportunity to suggest the public access, but Neuman is not sure how the other members of the family may feel. Earl notes that they would welcome a commercial fisherman on the HMA. Neuman clarifies for Callaghan that there is no public access to the eastern end of the Beverly Port Marina property from Water Street. Customer Parkin Earl reports they have a final draft of the communications and contingency plan. There are several options of how to proceed or they can wait and be reactive. Callaghan asks who we think are currently parking under the bridge. Earl responds that it is mainly commercial marina customers and individuals fishing from the pier. Rotondo adds that increased parking enforcement would be very beneficial. Rand notes that she is uncertain if meters were originally Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of March 17, 2021 Meeting recommended for this area in the most recent parking study. Simon asks if construction on the new restaurant does not begin this summer could the lot be opened back up for parking. Earl said they can reconnect with Marry Bloom. Kayak/SUP Racks Earl reports that all but one of the kayak spaces have been leased, and he would like to propose another rack at Independence and/or Lynch Park. Independence Park seems to be the most popular. Suminsby asks if there are many SUPS leasing space, as they may be able to adjust the racks to accommodate additional boats. Earl says there are only two SUPS currently registered. Rotondo motions to purchase an additional rack for Independence Park. Herman seconds. Discussion: Callaghan supports an additional rack at this location, but is concerned about obstructing the view. He feels that Independence Park has some of the best views in the city and suggests they limit this location to three racks. Earl and Suminsby feel the racks are low enough to not obstruct views, but they can also consider views in the placement of the racks. With the cost of the racks at around $2800 to $3000 installed, Rotondo proposes to amend the motion to approve an amount not to exceed $3500. The motion is approved by roll call, 9-0. Viewing Machines at Parks Herman reports that the two companies he found provide machines with different magnification. One company has 20x, which gives greater distance but a broader view. The other company has 1 Ox, which is less distance but more defined. Herman is not opting for coin-op machines for concern about maintenance and vandalism. All equipment is available as ADA compliant or not. Herman notes that ADA compliant machines would also be better for children. Herman has reached out to the Rotary Club and they would entertain a grant request. He feels that Independence Park is the favored location. Rotondo is waiting to hear from Gelineau about any viewing machines that may be available on the state bid list, and he is also in favor of going with ADA compliant machines. Rand also supports having the duo of the ADA compliant and taller machine. She would encourage that they be located close to the sidewalk for better accessibility. She also suggests they consider the new public path at the Sedna Apartments for a location. Herman notes that there is a SeeCoast machine at Stramski Way in Marblehead. All agree that the preference is for the Hi-Spy machines. Herman notes that the Rotary Club might be able to approve a grant prior to the next HMA meeting, and he feels that Hi-Spy machines are probably in stock and ready to ship, where the SeeCoast machines may need more lead time. Callaghan recommends they notify Jenna from the Conservation Commission. Earl concludes that they can discuss locations at the April meeting and take a vote. Public Pier Planks Replacement Ciancarelli suggests that the planks should be ordered soon. He notes that the DPW can build the fish cutting table themselves. He asks if the HMA would contribute an additional $5k for this project and notes the recent increases to lumber prices. Callaghan motions to approve an Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of March 17, 2021 Meeting additional $5k from the HMA for this project. Flaherty seconds. The motion is approved by roll call, 9-0. Commercial Hoist Construction Grant& Pier Appendage/Fishing Float EnOneerin2 Grant Earl reports that he and Neuman discussed the City's share of the grant match for these two projects with the Mayor. The Mayor asked about how many people would be benefitting from the hoist pier project. The Mayor verbally approved the City's 50150 split with the HMA for the required grant match on both projects. Earl suggests three options for writing the grant application: 1) they could have the engineering firm write it, 2)they could have Catharine Barrett write it, or 3)the HMA could write the application. Neuman notes that they have six weeks until the due date, but they need to have a plan. He asks if they can use an engineering firm other than GZA. Ciancarelli says he would need to discuss that with Mike Collins. Earl would like to start the application writing process by next week. Si2nne -Phase 2? Callaghan suggests this topic be delayed until the May meeting as he needs additional time to add notes to his spreadsheet regarding sign needs and conditions. Falco Proposal Earl reports that City and Falco have agreed to all terms of the contract. The App icon design is discussed and most people like the first option and suggest making "Marinas" singular. Obear Park Coastal Resiliency Study Flaherty reports that a public meeting is coming up on April 15. Rotondo adds that they did get over 500 surveys completed. Bass River CAD cell Seaport Grant Earl is in contact with Mike Collins with regard to a kickoff meeting for this project. GW Trash Earl will defer this topic to the next meeting. Congress Street Pocket Park Earl has abandoned this as a larger project but could still do a smaller project. Callaghan reports that a person involved with the CPC that he spoke with indicated that a CPC grant could be used if the HMA wanted to take on changing the land ownership to permanently protect the area, meaning the issue is primarily a legal one. This issue could also be discussed at the City Council. Earl notes that a kayak rack could still be installed, but would probably need approval from the Conservation Commission. Rotondo and Callaghan suggests they could engage the community on the project and organize clean-ups of the area. Flaherty notes that Salem Sound Coastwatch is regularly sending volunteers to this area for clean-ups. Neuman adds that they may just need to Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of March 17, 2021 Meeting clear brush and do some grading. Earl concludes that they can discuss what the HMA wants to invest in this project at a future meeting. Facilities Committee Report Ciancarelli reports that piling caps were installed,but has no other updates. The Facilities Committee reviewed the winter rates for the recreational marina and recommends keeping the rates the same. Suminsby motions to keep winter rates at the recreational marina the same. Herman seconds. There is some discussion about whether they should consider raising the rates. Suminsby notes that the winter rates are currently $50 per foot. Callaghan asks if there is ever any need or responsibility to break up ice with bubblers. Simon responds that the harbor hasn't frozen in decades. The motion is approved by roll call, 9-0. Earl adds that they should further market the winter slips and try to fill them up in future winter seasons. Earl and Suminsby agree that it may be appropriate to look at raising the regular recreational rates at the next opportunity. Callaghan asks if it is possible to expand the marina. Earl responds that it could be challenging because of the proximity to the channel. Other Comments and Announcements Earl asks members to please review the NSIV document for a discussion at the next meeting about a potential role for HMA involvement. Earl also thanks Ciancarelli for his work on getting out the kayak stickers and installing appropriate signage on the racks with contact information. Adiournment There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Callaghan makes a motion to adjourn. Herman seconds. Motion to adjourn approved by roll call (9-0). The HMA Meeting is adjourned at 9:05 pm. Page