BHMA Minutes February 17, 2021 Harbor Management Authority Minutes of February 17, 2021 Meeting CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: February 17, 2021 Location: Virtual via Google Meet Members Present: Chair Paul Earl, Todd Callaghan, Larry Herman, Don Neuman, George Simon, Todd Rotondo Members Absent: Vice Chair Emily Flaherty, David Suminsby, Estelle Rand Others Present: Sean Ciancarelli (Marina Manager), Eric Yarnoff, Chris Ilsley Recorder: Brett Bauer Earl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and roll call is taken. North Shore Innoventures (NSIV): Presentation and Discussion Ilsley introduces NSIV as a life science and clean-tech incubator that has been in business for 11 years. They have worked with 63 startup businesses which are nearly all located on the North Shore. Yarmoff adds that as a non-profit incubator, they rent lab space to startups that would not be able to afford the initial investment to build out such space. They are interested in expanding into blue tech and looking to connect startups with ocean access and expertise in both marine logistics and regulation. Ilsley notes that they have received only a trickle of inquiries in blue tech so far. They want to understand the resources to which they have a connection before they market the initiative so they are not over-promising and under-delivering. But they are still hoping to make a play for international interest in things such as robotics, energy (mostly off- shore wind), floating energy, software, and aquaculture. He adds that people who go out on trawler boats know how to fix things when you are out on the water and that knowledge is helpful to those getting started in blue tech. Yarmoff concludes that they are hoping to streamline the variety of services and details that blue tech startups would need so they can focus on developing the technologies. Callaghan comments that the HMA can be a resource for how to get equipment into the water with their knowledge of the infrastructure available, such as hoists, piers and marina floats. Callaghan also offers to be a contact/connector for expertise in aquaculture at the state and federal levels. Earl feels that there are commercial captains at the Glover Wharf marina that would be open to taking people out, especially if they are compensated. Earl notes that the next steps would be for Yarmoff to let Earl know of any particular contacts, resources, or expertise that they need, and for NSIV to share anything they put together in writing about blue tech with the HMA, such as a draft or template agreement with a member tech company, even if it is a skeleton document. I I Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of February 17, 2021 Meeting Approval of Minutes Callaghan motions to approve the January 20, 2021 minutes. Seconded by Herman. The motion is approved by roll call, 6-0. Financials Report Earl reports that revenue intake is tracking better than it ever has in the past and notes that the extra winter boats helped. Earl made some corrections on the HMA's sheet that won't be on the City's sheet. He learned recently that the HMA is being charged for a porta-potty that is under the bridge. He is not sure if there are Chapter 91 regulations or something else that requires they provide a public restroom. Customer Parkin Rotondo reports that they have identified two options for additional parking. Option A is the grassy area of Ferry Way landing, adjacent to the Glover Wharf apron. He notes this option may need approval from the Conservation Commission. Option B is the fenced off railroad right-of- way off of Congress Street. He adds that Rand is not in favor of Option A and Mike Collins is not in favor of Option B. Signage could be used to clarify uses of parking areas. He also notes that the parking area for Rowand's appears from the City's GIS to be public parking. Earl asks that this info be confirmed with Williams, the City Solicitor. Earl reiterates that these are all contingency options. Callaghan notes that the Ferry Way parcel is zoned for park use and would require a two-thirds vote by the City Council to allow a parking use. Earl responds that this kills Option A and Rowand's lot should not be initially pursued. Rotondo says the parking options report can be refined for the next meeting in preparation for summer boaters. Kayak/SUP Racks Earl reports that the operations are working well under the Engineering Department. Rotondo reports that he has been in communication with the Parks Department about the older rack at Lynch Park. Signage should be up by the end of the week notifying occupants of the rack space of the need to sign a contract to continue using the rack. He expects the boats on the rack to be removed and stored by the Parks Department by the end of February. This will add 12 additional rack spaces at Lynch to the HMA's kayak rack inventory. Callaghan notes that the wooden decking under the rack was falling apart. He suggests the decking should be removed and the rack placed directly on the sand. Commercial Area Grant-Hoist Ciancarelli is still waiting to connect with Josh from GZA. Earl spoke to Ayles and was told the City could use what is called "free-cash" for the City's portion of the match($75k), and this requires a City Council vote. Earl is arranging a meeting with the Mayor to discuss. Ciancarelli also needs to make sure that GZA will complete the engineering before submitting the grant application for the actual construction. Neuman suggests the GZA may already be done with their work. Ciancarelli will try to confirm with Josh whether their report is completed or not. 2 1 Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of February 17, 2021 Meeting Viewing Machines at Parks Herman recognizes that this may not be the highest priority but feels it would be a nice addition to waterfront parks. The cost of the machines from the company he has identified are not cheap. Examples of their machines can be found at Stramski Way, in Marblehead, as well as other places. Herman would opt for the non-coin operated machines and envisions three locations: at the end of the Public Pier, at Independence Park, and at Lynch Park. Rotondo notes that similar machines may exist on the state's bid list. Simon asks about Hospital Point as an alternative location to Lynch Park. He also feels that if they selected just one location, Independence Park would be the best selection. Earl asks Herman to summarize his findings in an email to the group with cost estimates, the grand total cost, locations of existing examples, and the proposed locations. Si2nne -Phase 2? Callaghan has looked through the list and prepared a second round of sign replacements. This can be left on the agenda for the next meeting. Falco Proposal Earl reports that legal has reviewed the contract and is working on a second contract for participant release. The project is moving forward and they may be signing the contract by March. Obear Park Coastal Resiliency Study Earl reports that there have been no meetings since the last HMA meeting, but the survey went out and about 500 responses have been received so far. Bass River CAD cell Seaport Grant Neuman reports that they have been awarded the grant for investigating a CAD cell option. He adds that the Seaport Council would consider simultaneous grants for construction of the hoist pier and investigation of an expanded transient float and new fishing float. Birarelli Public Access Neuman reports that he is still in conversations with the owner of record, the grandfather, and the grandfather is still trying to meet with his grandkids (the users of the wharf) to discuss. Congress Street Pocket Park Earl reports that they may have to backout of the application for CPC funds. The CPC has concerns about the type of land ownership their funds can be used for, specifically whether they can be used for projects on right-of-way improvements or "paper streets". Earl may consider scaling back the project and asking Procopio if they would complete the path they started 3 1 Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of February 17, 2021 Meeting adjacent to their property. The HMA could also cut back some of the brush and ask if there is anyone willing to donate a bench. Facilities Committee Report Ciancarelli reports that the recreational marina slips have been filled up from the waiting list. Other Comments and Announcements Rotondo notes that the developer of the new restaurant proposed for Glover Wharf is asking City Council to extend the TIF timelines. Adiournment There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Herman makes a motion to adjourn. Simon seconds. Motion to adjourn approved by roll call (6-0). The HMA Meeting is adjourned at 9:05 pm. 4 1 Page