CPC 3_18_2021 meeting notes-FINAL_APPROVED Community Preservation Committee
March 18, 2021 Meeting Minutes
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BOARD OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: March 18, 2021
LOCATION: Remotely held meeting through Google Hangouts Meet
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Heather Richter, Vice Chair Derek Beckwith,
Robert Buchsbaum, Thomas Bussone, Christy Edwards,
John Hall,Nancy Marino, Marilyn McCrory, Wendy Pearl
Dawn Goodwin, Director of Modernization, Beverly
Housing Authority; Emily Hutchings, Assistant Director of
Planning and Development, Beverly Planning and
Development Department; Bruce Doig, Director, Beverly
Parks and Recreation Department; Jon Paddol, Assistant
Director, Beverly Parks and Recreation Department;
Economic Development Planner and CPC staff Denise
RECORDER: Sarah Scott-Nelson
Call to Order
Heather Richter calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Richter reads the virtual meeting
guidelines and notes that the meeting is being held in accordance with temporary Open Meeting
Law adjustments due to the State of Emergency associated with the COVID-19 outbreak.
Deschamps takes roll and confirms member access and existence of a quorum. Richter asks the
other meeting attendees to introduce themselves.
Review and approve CPC meeting minutes from 2-18-2021
The Committee reviews the draft minutes and offers edits. McCrory moves that the Committee
accept the minutes for the February 18, 2021 meeting as amended. Seconded by Beckwith.
Deschamps takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 9-0.
Continued review of application for CPA funding submitted by the Beverly Housing
Authority relative to Garden City Towers,with potential action on this item
Richter comments that Deschamps had shared with the CPC a revised Project Schedule provided
by the Beverly Housing Authority with a minor language correction. Beckwith notes that
Deschamps had done research on several other elevator projects in public or affordable housing
funded by CPA in other communities. McCrory asked Deschamps if she knew what types
(acquisition, creation,preservation, etc.) of projects they were that fell under the category of
Community Housing. Deschamps responded that she could not recall but reminded CPC
members of the memo posted on the Massachusetts Community Preservation Coalition's
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website, as guidance, which was issued by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and
Community Development, describing the types of projects that would be eligible for CPA
funding and, listed amongst those projects, is "Replacement of dangerous building systems
which threaten the housing units". Edwards agrees that the project would fall under that
category. Bussone thanks Dawn Goodwin, with the Housing Authority for all of her work on the
application. Hearing no more questions from the Committee, Richter invites a motion. Beckwith
moves that the Beverly Housing Authority's Garden City Towers Emergency Elevator
Modernization Project as outlined in its application is eligible for funding in the Community
Housing category for the purposes of Preservation, and that the Beverly Community Preservation
Committee approve $237,000 in funding— $12,000 from the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund
and $225,000 from the Beverly CPA General Fund—for the project. Seconded by Edwards.
Deschamps takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 9-0.
Concluding discussion and anticipated action to be taken on the following applications for
CPA funding:
o Dodges Row Cemetery nomination for inclusion in the National Register of Historic
Places and Development of a Preservation Master Plan as proposed by the City of Beverly
Pearl notes that the Massachusetts Historical Commission deemed the property to be eligible for
listing on the National Register of Historic Places and that the proposed project will serve as a
great model for other cemeteries in Beverly. Richter mentions the abutters concerns expressed
during the last CPC meeting. Hutchings addresses concerns stating that the applicant(City) will
be working first and foremost on making the access to the property more well-known and
clearing the existing road before anything in the preservation plan has begun. Hutchings
anticipates working closely with the abutters and sharing information with them throughout the
process so that the applicant can act upon their concerns in a timely manner. Bussone states that
he supports the project but also expresses concern that the issues identified by the abutters be
taken into consideration. Beckwith echoes Bussone's concern but notes the fact that the matter
before the CPC at this time is not for physical work but for moving forward with the funding and
plan and nomination to the National Register, in addition, Hutchings' answer alleviates his
Beckwith moves that the City of Beverly's Dodge's Row Cemetery Project as outlined in its
application is eligible for funding in the Historic Resources category for the purposes of
Preservation and Rehabilitation/Restoration, and that the Beverly Community Preservation
Committee approve $27,000 in funding—$17,000 from the Historic Preservation Reserve Fund
and $10,000 from the Beverly CPA General Fund—for the project. Seconded by Hall.
Deschamps takes a roll call vote. The motion carries 9-0.
o Cabot House HVAC Improvements as proposed by Historic Beverly
Deschamps recaps that all of the questions that had been posed by the CPC relative to this
project had been answered at the previous CPC meeting. In response to McCrory's question
regarding the percentage of CPA funding as part of the total project budget, Pearl clarifies that
the total project cost is $1.7 million. Beckwith clarifies that of that total just under 20%is for the
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HVAC budget and CPA funds would cover a portion of the HVAC cost. Beckwith moves that
Historic Beverly's Cabot House HVAC Upgrades Project as outlined in its application is eligible
for funding in the Historic Resources category for the purposes of Rehabilitation/Restoration,
and that the Beverly Community Preservation Committee approve $175,000 in funding from the
Beverly CPA General Fund for the project. Seconded by Bussone. Deschamps takes a roll call
vote. The motion carries 9-0.
o Wentworth Drive Tot Lot Rehabilitation as proposed by the Beverly Parks and
Recreation Department
Beckwith clarifies that in previous discussion, the Committee determined that the category is
recreation and would be eligible under Rehabilitation/Restoration. Beckwith moves that
Beverly Recreation Department's Wentworth Drive Tot Lot Project as outlined in its application
is eligible for funding in the Recreation category for the purposes of Rehabilitation/Restoration,
and that the Beverly Community Preservation Committee approve $20,000 in funding from the
Beverly CPA General Fund for the project. Seconded by Marino. Deschamps takes a roll call
vote. The motion carries 9-0. The applicants thank the Committee for their review and
Richter notes that the Congress's Street project has been withdrawn.
Proiect update re2ardin2 the Beverly Golf and Tennis Clubhouse Analysis alone with
scope of work,plans and specifications
Richter references the Project Update Report supplied to the City by CBRE Heery. Richter
raises the question of whether or not the work described in the update fits within the original
scope as it seems a new phase has been included. Beckwith comments that this update raised
more questions and did not answer previous questions. Edwards and Pearl express similar
concerns about the scope of project and overall budget. Pearl comments that it appears that the
architect does not want to proceed without knowing if the Committee will fund the project. Pearl
also expressed concern about the proposal to `gut and renovate' as this is supposed to be a
preservation project. McCrory expresses concern that the new scope may remove the renovated
heating system that was funding using CPA money. Bussone notes that it is up to the City as to
how or if it wishes to proceed. Pearl raises the question of whether there is a schematic design
detailing what has been done to date to inform this change. Deschamps comments that it seems
the CBRE Heery is advising the City to pause and consider the work necessary before it proceeds
with the development of construction documents given what the existing conditions survey has
Richter suggests that the Committee let the City respond to this project as the information which
Beverly Golf and Tennis provided did not answer the CPC's questions. McCrory expresses her
concern that this project is not a preservation project as described in the report. Beckwith asks, if
the applicant is changing the scope,whether that would be a violation of the CPC's MOU on the
project. Pearl suggests sending a friendly reminder of the agreement on scope for preservation,
stating that in order to receive funding, the applicant needs to address preservation. Richter
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requests that Deschamps send a friendly reminder and request the applicant to provide an update
either in writing or in person, preferably both.
Other Member Items
Emergency Rental Relief Program
Beckwith reports that the Commonwealth's review of RAFT applications is starting to flow more
quickly and so, as a result, it is possible that more applications may be received by NSCAP
within the next few months as individuals learn they have not qualified for RAFT or have
received the maximum amount of RAFT funds available. Beckwith also notes that the CDC
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) extended the rental eviction moratorium until
March 31. Beckwith states that there is still only one Beverly resident who is receiving funding
from the Emergency Rental Relief Program so far.
Bussone moves to adjourn at 8:28 p.m. Seconded by Beckwith. Deschamps takes a roll call vote.
The motion carries 9-0.