City Council Minutes 2-16-2021 City of Beverly
i Council Regular Meeting City Co g ar M t g
Public MeetingMinutes CITY OF 8 E V R LY
Tuesday,February 16,2021,7pm CITY
This meeting was conducted under the `Executive Order Suspending CAR AAA&Fo'of WO
Open Meeting Law G.L. c.30A, §20', signed on March 12,2020. This remote meeting was held
over Google Meet and live streamed by BevCam. Public access information for the hearings was
provided on the meeting agenda.
Estelle Rand, City Council Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:OOpm over Google
Meet. City Clerk, Lisa Kent,took the attendance by roll call.
Members Present: Stacy Ames,Dominic Copeland,Kathleen Feldman, Timothy Flaherty, Scott
Houseman, Todd Rotondo, Estelle Rand
Members Absent: Julie Flowers, Paul Guanci
Houseman led the councilors in the pledge of allegiance.
Rand made a statement about the meeting being recorded by the City of Beverly and streamed by
BevCam on channel 99 and BevCam's YouTube channel. She confirmed that all members
present could hear her and noted the remote meeting format and process due to Covid-19. Rand
read Rule 22 of the Beverly City Council. She introduced a vote to allow items to be taken out of
committee and voted on the floor. Kent took a roll call vote and the motion carried(7-0).
Presentations,Awards, and Memorials
Sue Gabriel, Executive Director of Beverly Bootstraps, shared some resources available to the
public during the pandemic. She mentioned that if anyone is looking for help, it is available to
them. People can reach out to Beverly Bootstraps, St. Vincent de Paul, or other organizations
that all work together. Councilors can also reach out on behalf of constituents.
Rotondo thanked Ms. Gabriel for attending the meeting and for what she does for the
Gabriel thanked him and said the community is like a big circle; sometimes we are the givers in
the circle, and sometimes we are the receivers in the circle. She encouraged anyone in need to
reach out because we will get through this together as a community.
Houseman asked if the brochure Ms. Gabriel provided to the Council can be added to the City
Lisa Kent, City Clerk, said she could coordinate with Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker, Constituent
Services Director,to have it added to the website.
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meetings: February 1,2021
Houseman motioned to approve. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion
Communications from His Honor the Mayor
Order#030-Grant-$98,268 formula grant from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs to support
operations at the Council on Aging.
Catherine Barrett, Director of Grants, said this is a state formula grant that is critical to
operations at the senior center.
Ames asked how these funds are expended traditionally.
Barrett said MaryAnn Holak, Director of the Council on Aging, could answer that line by line,
but it is everything from operations to positions and programs; a lot of different things are
Houseman motioned to approve. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion
Order#031-Earmark-$1 00,000 from Department of Conservation and Recreation to update and
modernize many parks and recreation spaces.
Barrett stated this was an earmark awarded by the state. Typically we have four or five earmarks
per year; this is the only earmark we are receiving for fiscal year 2021, and it is specifically for
parks and recreational spaces. There is a scope of work provided by Parks and Recreation
Director, Bruce Doig. It includes new ADA-compliant water fountains,patching and replacing
basketball courts, repairing and replacing benches, repairing broken play structure equipment
and adding equipment, completing renovations to improve ADA accessibility, and installing a
concrete ramp from the parking lot to the pavilion at Obear Park.
Rand asked Barrett to share the scope of work document through the Clerk's Office.
Rotondo asked the difference between an earmark and grant and asked if some of the money
could be used for the turf field or if it has to be specifically used for the things on the list.
Barrett stated an earmark is different in that we do not have to apply for an earmark.
Representatives work to have the money earmarked. We receive it and it is processed the same
way as a grant, donation, or gift with City Council approval. Barrett stated as for the second
question about the turf field, she could find out and have the Mayor's Office get back to the
Houseman asked if the repairs to benches includes picnic tables at Lynch Park.
Barrett said she did not see anything specific about picnic tables in the scope of work as it reads
Houseman asked if there is any kind of auditing or enforcement of how the money is spent and if
the scope of work is binding.
Barrett stated a final report has to be provided to the Department of Conservation and Recreation
in August 2021, and we are supposed to be adhering to the scope of work that was provided for
the earmark. She stated she would have to follow up with Bruce Doig to see if there is any
Flaherty asked if Bruce could come to another meeting to go over improvements being made and
how COVID has affected his budget.
Beverly City Council hlfeeting Minutes—February 16,2021,page 2 of 5
Copeland noted he spoke with Mr. Doig previously, who was looking forward to receiving this
earmark for specific improvements.
Houseman motioned to approve. Ames seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion
Order 9032-2021 Member Rate Schedule for Beverly Golf and Tennis Club.
Flaherty stated it would be good to invite someone to the meeting to speak to this item. It would
be interesting to see what the condition has been this past fall. Some golf courses have been
seeing a lot more members due to the pandemic.
Feldman said she would also be curious to see if the budget and rates reflected any COVID
limitations or if they are doing better because of the uptick to recreational activities outdoors.
Rand suggested inviting the golf and tennis management team and commissioners to a future
Houseman moved to hold. Feldman seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried
Order#033-Appointment-Mr. Brendan Sweeney to serve on the Planning Board to fulfill the
term of Alison Kilcoyne.
Houseman stated he would like members of the Committee on Legal Affairs to have a quick
meeting in subcommittee next week because Councilor Copeland is new to the committee and as
a meet and greet with Mr. Sweeney since he is a new appointee.
Kent stated he is invited to the March 1 meeting.
Houseman asked if they could get a copy of his application that was submitted to the mayor so as
to have some background before he comes in.
Rand noted she spoke with Mr. Sweeney two or three weeks ago before he was appointed, and
she highly recommended having a conversation with him. He is very talented and interesting.
Copeland stated he would like to have a Legal Affairs meeting if possible.
Houseman said he would schedule the virtual meeting for next Monday.
Referred to the Committee on Legal Affairs.
Flaherty and Rotondo asked about holding meetings in person again.
Rand noted the limitations on how many people can gather and stated it is worth further
Houseman made the point about modeling and setting a good example and stated he would like
more information.
Order 9034-Transfer of$750,000 from the City's certified free cash balance to fund the
replacement of the High School Turf Field.
Houseman moved to set the public hearing for March 1 at 7:15pm. Feldman seconded. A roll call
vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
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Order 4035-Transfer-$1,300,000 from the City's certified free cash balance to purchase ladder
truck and to rescind Order#153-2020 the Loan Authorization of$1.3M for the purchase of that
ladder truck
Houseman moved to set the public hearing for March 1 at 7:45pm. Rotondo seconded. A roll call
vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Rand asked if the Council needed to take action on rescinding the previous order or if that will be
part of the hearing.
Kent stated it would be part of the next meeting.
Order#036-Transfer $983,418 from the City's certified free cash balance to the City's
stabilization fund and Transfer$198,684 to be placed into City's Other Post Employment Benefit
Houseman moved to set the public hearing for March 1 at 8:15pm. Rotondo seconded. A roll call
vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#037-Transfer-$2,000,000 from the City's certified free cash to be placed into the new
police station capital project fund.
Houseman moved to set the public hearing for March 1 at 8:45pm. Feldman seconded. A roll call
vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#038-Request for Approval of First Amendment to the Special Tax Assessment
Agreement between City of Beverly and Restaurant Associates concerning One Water Street.
Held to March 1 meeting per Mayor Cahill's request.
Order#039-Reappointment-Mr. Jonathan Cassidy to serve as Constable
Referred to the Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#041-Grants-Student Awareness of Fire Education(SAFE) $6,380 grant and a Senior
SAFE grant for$2,880. Total grant award is $9,898 for public fire and life safety initiatives in
our community.
Peter O'Connor, Fire Chief, noted this is a grant that has been going on for many years. This past
year was very challenging, but they came out with some unique ways to get the messaging out.
Barrett commented that the two grants total $9,260, not$9,898. She highlighted that the Grants
Office page on the Beverly website has a list of most of the recent grants received.
Houseman motioned to approve the grants in the amount of$9,260. Rotondo seconded. A roll
call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
LATE FILE-Order# 042-Appointment-Mr. Kevin Ascolillo,to serve as a member of the
Beverly Housing Authority.
Houseman motioned to accept the late file. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the
motion carried(7-0).
Referred to the Committee on Public Services.
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Communications, Applications, and Petitions
Order#040-MassDOT-Environmental Notification Form for MBTA's Potential Service
Reductions in 2021.
Houseman motioned to receive and place on file. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken,
and the motion carried (7-0).
Reports of Committees
Committee on Public Services
Order 4010-Councilor Copeland- Sinkholes in Beverly Farms
Copeland moved to receive and place on file. Rotondo second. A roll call vote was taken,
and the motion carried (7-0).
Committee on Legal Affairs
Order#025-Reappointment-Parking and Traffic Commission, Leslie Gould and Darlene
Houseman moved to approve. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the
motion carried(7-0).
Houseman motioned to adjourn. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion
carried (7-0). The meeting adjourned at 8:03pm.
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