1998-07-15PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 15, 1998 A meeting of the Planning & Construction Committee was held on Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 7 PM at the Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex Street, Beverly, MA. Present were: Chairman, Raymond Bouchard, Chetyl Sydorko, Maureen Hobin, Rod Maxher, Thad Siemasko, Tim Brennaa, Debbie Comean, Secretary. Also in attendance were Judith Mulligan, Jeanne Kuespert of Flansburgh & Associates, Peter Searoans, Project Manager, William DiBartolomeo, Clerk of Works, and William Lupidi, Superintendent of Schools. Mr. Bouchard called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. Mr. Bouehard summarized a report received from Gale Associates. The High School roof is almost completed. A Preconstmction meeting was held re: Edwards School and the windows are scheduled to he installed in early September. Sub-bids were received for the roof on McKay School and were higher than anticipated. The project will still go forward. Ms. MuHigan stated that Patton Wing sub-bids for work on bathrooms were due today and were higher than anticipated. Ms. Mulligan submitted to the Commission a printout from the School Dgpartment Accounting System detailing all bills which have been paid up to this point. Report by Peter Seamam - Update on McKeown School Mello Construction has agreed to remove the depressed portion in room B118 and replace it. They will sawcot out the existing slab and look at the substraight for evaluation. This work will commence on Monday. They plan to have the work completed by Friday of that week. Flansburgh has scheduled a "punch list" for July 27th & 28th with a report on July 29th. Site work continues to drag on and is still a 2-man operation. The landscaper states that the fill on site will not support grass. The cufoing that has been installed is uaacceptable. The cuthing has been rejected and the Company is on "notice". Some of the work has been paid for. The sidewalk has also been rejected. They do not meet the specifications required. The Contractor has offered a $2,000 credit ff we accept the work as is but the subcommittee decided to decline the offer and ask that it he corrected. Mr. Seaman~ has agreed tO submit a monthly report on what has been paid on the projects. Mr. Searoans stated that them is a problem with the installation of a 2R rated ceiling in the elevator/mechanical room as required by Code. It has not been done yet Mr. Bonehard stated that he stopped by them today and signed a "DirectAve" ordering them to install the ceiling as required by Code. The "Directive" also orders Mello Constructive to correct the door hardware problem which is not compatible to spec. Flansburgh & Associates submitted a letter regarding the Media Center lighting. The lighting has been taken care of. A Change Order was also submitted to move the flag poles and this has been taken care of. The only issue left is the extension of time requesWal by Mello Construction. They have submitted a letter substantiating their reason for an extension, which is now up to 60 days. Sam will review the letter and make his recommendations. Minutes 7/15/98 Page 2 The Commission has asked that Jeanne Kluespert package any change orders that are left on the project and submit them. Report by Peter Searoans - Update on Avers-Rval Side School Jeanne Kluespert introduced Mick Dumaresq, Project Manager for Castagna Construction Corporation. He slated that their trailer has been delivered. Trees have been marked for removal and they have begun weekly site meeting. Construction is slated to begin next Tuesday. One site bidder has asked to withdraw his bid due to a math error of upproximately$6,000 to the City. There is a question as to whether we want to hold them to their bid. Mr. Seaman~ has sent a letter to the Contractor asking them to demonstrate the error. Final note, when they were marking trees they found them to be in maintained beckyards and they are believed to be on City property. Mr. Scam~n~ will be hand delivering letters to those people affected. Mr. Seeroans submitted a report to the Commission Members from Haley & Aldrich detaihng the results of their testing of the slab at McKeown School. Report by Jeanne Kluespert of Flansburl~h & Assoc. 1. After introducting Mike Dumaresq, it was stated that they would like to close Ayers-Ryal Side in early. Mason and window samples will be submitted to Flansburgh & Associates tomorrow. Color samples will be submitted at next meeting. The Contractor would like a decision at that time. P & L Construction will he doing the site work which is starling next week. Mike Dumaresq made a suggestion that a change he made in the curbing from precast curbing to granite cmbing. The Commission asked Mr. Dumaresq to submit a proposal to change this specification in writing. Flansburgh & Associates came up with several alternatives to the correct the sunken slab at McKeown. They feel the best solution would he to remove the entire slab, check the fill, remove the damaged fill, rephce with new fill and recompact, then poor a new slab. The contractor has agreed to this option. When the slab is removed, it will he further evaluated. Sam has faxed several communications to the Mayor regarding this issue and will continue to keep the Mayor as well as the Building Commission up- to-date on this issue. Mr. DiBartolomeo stated that it is the Contractor' s intent to remove 2/3 of the slab to evaluate the extent of the damage. If there is additional damage, they will notify the Commission. Haley & Aldrich has recommended that the Contractor he put on "Notice". They are responsible for the problem. At the time of substantial completion of this project, the Contractor will attach a "punch list" prior to final payment. Mr. Bouchard made mention of a pile of loom which needs to he removed, by the contractor, from the property before completion of the project. Minutes 7/15/98 Page 3 F & E update - Jcanne Kluespert stated that all new furniture has been ordered and is set for delivery between August 1st and August 10th. We can not put the furniture on hold. The School Dept. will need to find a place to store the furniture sinca the school is not ready. 2. Jcanne Kiuespert submitted a memo from GeHer Associates (landscaper) detailing the issues involving the t~es surrounding the school. Ms. Kluespert stated that the company Weston-Sampson, will be doing the blasting work for less than they had originally submitted their bid for. Mr. Searoans stated that Frank Killca has reviewed the spex:fficotions for the underground storage tank removal and asbestos removal. He will submit it to the Mayor for approval. Ms. Kluespert stated that we must resubmit the F-Form to the State on the Ayers Psoject. John Dunn has the form to fill out. Ms. Kluespert will need a copy of the Commission' s vote authorizing the projcet. Mike Dumaresq has asked that any decisions made regarding this project, be made in a timely manner so that this project may nm smoothly. The Commission suggested that a letter detailing any changes, be submitted with any change orders in order to speed the process. Jcanne stated that at the last meeting she had asked the Commission to think about three other possible projects for approval: Lighting, Casework and Wood Tntsses. The Commission has asked that Flansburgh & Associates submit these proposals in writing. 3. Hannah/Cove Elementary School Projects Jeanne Kluespert stated that Jim Anderson has indicated that these two schools would receive funding at the same time. Next month, she will present designs for these school projects. R~ciew and Annrove Project Invoices 1. Bell Atlantic $ 3.94 2. USN Communications $ 2.23 3. Bell Atlantic HOLD $ 355.38 4. KPR, Inc. #JN 806930 $120,930.00 5. Strekalovsky & Hoit, Inc. #5 $ 7,500.00 6. Gale Associates #0806210 $ 8,698.00 7. Flansburgh & Assoc #18752 $ 4,165.00 8. Flansburgh & Assoc #18753 $ 7,271.89 9. Flansburgh & Assec #18814 $ 2,744.03 Minutes 7/1~/98 Page 4 10. Flansburgh & Assoc #18815 $ 10,600.83 11. Yee Consulting Group HOLD $ 2,500.00 Mr. Maxnet made a Motion that the Commission approve all invoices except Invoice Nos. 2 & 11, which the Commission will put on hold at this time. Ms. Sydorko seconded the Motion. The Commission voted unanimously to approve Mr. Maxnet' s Motion. Ms. Sydorko made a Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 PM. This Motion was seconded by Mr. Maxner and approved unanimously by the Commission. Respectfully submitX~d, Debbie Comeau