DECEMBER 23, 1996
A meeting of the Building and Other Facilities Planning and Construction
Committee was held on Monday, December 23, 1996 at the Briscoe Middle School,
School Committee room at 7:00 p.m. Present were Ray Bouchard, Thad Siemasko,
Rod Maxner, Tim Brennan, Maureen Hobin, School Business Manager Judy
Mulligan, and Director of Purchasing Chris Bradley.
Ray called the meeting to order. Chris handed out copies of the contract with
Strekalovsky and Hoit. Rod made a motion that the agreement dated the 23rd of
December, 1996 between the City of Beverly and Strekalovsky and Hoit, Inc. A.I.A.
Architects, 51 North St., Hingham, MA 02043 for architectural and engineering
services to provide a feasibility study and preliminary design for each of the
following schools, Beverly High School, the Briscoe and Memorial Middle Schools
(Phase 1), for a fee of $65,000 be approved as submitted. Tim made a motion to
amend the motion on the table to state that approval is conditional upon
clarification of what Strekalovsky and Holt means by "materials testing" as
mentioned in the contract. Thad seconded and it was voted 5-0 to amend the
motion. The main motion as amended was seconded by Tim and voted 5-0.
Ray asked Maureen to act as chair. Maureen asked for a motion to approve change
order no. 1 to the contract between Murphy Specialty, Inc. and the City of Beverly
crediting the Briscoe roof project $4752. Ray so moved, Rod seconded and the change
order was approved 5-0. Ray made a motion to approve payment of $22,614.19
(Requisition no. 3) to Murphy Specialty, Inc., $97.05 to Peter Seamans to reimburse
for expenses incurred relative to the elementary school project, and $274.63 to Essex
County Newspapers for advertising expense for the school project. Rod seconded the
motion and it was voted 543. Rod made a motion to adjourn at 7:35 p.m., Ray
seconded, and it was so voted 5-0. No date was set for the next meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith A. Mulligan
Acting Secretary/Clerk