OCTOBER 2.3, 1996
A meeting of the Building and Other Facilities Planning and Construction
Committee was held on Wednesday, October 23, 199(y at the Briscoe Middle School,
School Committee room at 7:00 p.m. Present were Ray Bouchard, Mike Nardella,
Thad Siemasko, Cheryl Sydorko, Rod Maxher, Tim Brennan, School Business
Manager Judy Mulligan, and Jeanne Kuespert of Earl Flansburgh & Associates.
Rod made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 18, 1996 meeting, The
motion was seconded and approved by a vote of 6-0.
Jeanne K. reviewed the results of the bid opening for the new school on Balch St.
The General Contractor will be rebid as the bids came in 10% over budget. Filed sub
bids will be retained. There have been 2 protests on the general bids and 2 on the
lathing and plastering filed sub bid. The low bidder failed to provide the WMBE
participation form. The new bids will be due November 21, 1996. There will be an
addenda making changes in the geotechnical recommendations and sitework which
should result in some cost savings.
Chris Bradley, Chief Procurement Officer and Maureen Hobin arrived at 7:10.
The City finally has the deed for the new school! The deed for the North Beverly
school is not available yet. City Solicitor Marshall Handly is still working on it.
Yee Consulting stated in a letter dated 10/18/96 that no asbestos tiles were found on
the Balch St. site.
ERF+A reviewed Clerk of the Works resumes and submitted a short list of 11 names
for consideration as well as a list of attributes and possible interview questions. Ray
asked that Judy make copies of the top 5 resumes and mail them out to members
prior to the next meeting.
Jeanne K. discussed proposals for Testing During Construction. Five proposals were
received. UTS of Mass. is the low bidder. Rod made a motion to accept the proposal
from UTS at a cost of $8714. The motion was seconded and voted 7-0. Chris Bradley
will notify UTS and make arrangements for signing of a contract.
Questions arose concerning the new school project. Tim asked what the anticipated
cost of the project will be when rebid. Jearme did not feel comfortable about making
an estimate. Ray asked if the allowable settlement will change with the changes in
the subgrade specs. Jeanne will check into it.
Judy brought up the issue of the Haley and Aldrich invoice for removing the
activity and use limitation from the Balch St. site that was charged to the project in
June without Building Commission approval. She requested that the Committee
· approve it as it has already been paid. The Committee voted to table the issue for
Tim gave a progress report on the inventory of buildings. So far responses have
been received from the airport, library, police, DPW and Civil Defense.
Rod made a motion that Ray Bouchard and Maureen Hobin approve all invoices on
behalf of the Committee. the motion was seconded and voted 7-0. Ray asked that
future invoices be monitored against the budget and reported to the Committee
when payment is requested. Judy will do a spreadsheet for the next meeting on the
Briscoe roof and the elementary schools. Maureen made a motion to approve
payment of invoices totalling $38,238.90 for the Briscoe roof project and $51,998.50
for the elementary school building project. The motion was seconded and voted 6-1.
Tim Brennan opposed.
Firestone would like to do a presentation to the Committee regarding various
roofing options for the elementary schools. Ray asked ERF+A to gather comparison
information and make it available to Committee members prior to scheduling a
Chris Bradley discussed the RFP for the secondary facilities feasibility study. Judy
will send out copies of sample RFPs from other communities to members. Members
would also like a~copy of the bonding authorization.
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, Novemer 6, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the
School Committee room at Briscoe Middle School. The main topic of discussion
will be the feasibility study RFP. The following meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
December 4, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., same location.
Tim Brennan stated that City Councilor Jack Murray wants to know if the
Committee has suggestions for reuse of the Washington/Beadle school rather than
tear it down.
Rod made a motion to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. The motion was seconded and approved
Respectfully submitted,
Judith A. Mulligan
Acting Secretary/Clerk