NOVEMBER 6, 1996
A meeting of the Building and Other Facilities Planning and Construction
Committee was held on Wednesday, November 6, 1996 at the Briscoe Middle
School, School Committee room at 7:00 p.m. Present were Ray Bouchard, Thad
Siemasko, Rod Maxner, Tim Brennan, Maureen Hobin, School Business Manager
Judy Mulligan, Project Manager Peter Seamans, and Purchasing Director
Christopher Bradley.
Rod made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 23, 1996 meeting, The
motion was seconded and approved by a vote of 5-0.
Ray distributed an agenda and a letter from the Mayor dated 10/30/96 regarding the
secondary schools feasibility study.
Peter gave a report on the status of the new school project. Four additional sets of
plans and specs have been picked up. The addendum states that clay removed from
the site will be used to cap the landfill. This is expected to result in cost savings as
contractors will have a place to dump the clay within a short distance.
Chris submitted a draft RFP for the feasibility study. It was approved as written with
a few minor changes. Ray requested that the advertisement state that applicants
must be a Massacl~usetts licensed architect.
Cheryl Sydorko arrived at 7:45 p.m.
Rod made a motion to approve an invoice from ERF+A for $12,448.34. The motion
was seconded and voted 6-0. Rod made a motion to approve payment of a bill from
Alarm Engineering for $1,310.40 for repair of an underground cable at North
Beverly school. (The cable was severed by Westin & Sampson while taking soil
samples. The location of the cable had not been marked properly.) The motion was
seconded and voted 6-0. Tim Brennan made a motion to approve payment of the
Haley & Aldrich bill for $14,850.87 previously charged to the new school project.
(This was for work done to remove the Activities and Use Limitation on the site of
the new school.) The motion was seconded and voted 6-0. Rod made a motion that
all prior actions of the Building Committee be ratified. The motion was seconded
and voted 6-0.
A change order on the Briscoe Roof project was discussed. Due to the poor condition
of much of the masonry and resulting leaks, the administration would like to
reduce the cost of capping some of the parapets in order to free up funds for
additional masonry repairs. The Building Committee directed the contractor to
prepare a change order subject to the approval of the Building Commissioner. Rod
so moved. The motion was seconded and voted 6-0.
Judy was asked to come up with a plan to reallocate the bond proceeds between the
elementary school projects.
Tim discussed the status of the inventory of all city owned buildings. More
responses are coming in.
New roofs for the Central Fire Station and Beverly Farms Fire Station were
discussed. Nilsson-Siden, a roofing contractor under contract with the fire
depathnent, will come to the December 4, 1996 meeting to disGlse the issue.
Library Director Tom Scully would like a feasibility study done on the Beverly
Farms library branch and wanted members informed that terra cotta tiles are falling
from the domed roof at the central library.
Rod made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. Seconded and voted 6-0.
Res ectfully submitted,
Judith A. Mulligan
Acting Secretary/Clerk