DECEMBER 12, 1996
A meeting of the Building and Other Facilities Planning and Construction Committee
was held on Thursday, December 12, 1996 at the Briscoe Middle School, School
Committee room at 6:00 p.m. Present were Ray Bouchard, Thad Siemasko, Rod
Maxner, Tim Brennan, Maureen Hobin, Mike Nardella, Cheryl Sydorko, School
Business Manager Judy Mulligan, and Director of Purchasing Chris. Bradley.
Ray called the meeting to order then recessed for presentations from the three finalists
for the secondary facilities feasibility study. Presentations were scheduled as follows:
Gale Assodates at 6:00 p.m., Strekalovsky and Hoit at 6:45 p.m. and Mount Vernon
Group at 7:30 p.m.
Peter Seamans arrived at 6:15 p.m.
The committee returned to session at 8:35 p.m. Ray appointed a subcommittee to
interview candidates for clerk of the works for the elementary school project. Members
will be Rod Maxher, Tim Brerman, Thad Siemasko and Peter Seamans. They are to
select their own chairperson and set up the interviews.
Ray asked for input from the committee on their choice for the feasibility study.
Strekalovsky and Holt were favored by Thad Siemasko, Cheryl Sydorko, Maureen
Hobin and Tim Brennan. Mount Vernon Group was favored by Mike Nardella and
Rod Maxher. Ray asked for the opinion of other attendees. Judy Mulligan and Peter
Seamans favored Strekalovsky and Hoit. Chris Bradley favored Mount Vernon Group.
Since Strekalovsky and Hoit was favored by the majority of committee members, Ray
did not voice his opinion. Ray appointed a subcommittee to negotiate a contract with
Strekalovsky and Hoit. Members will be Mike, Chris, Judy and Ray. The subcommittee
will work with City Solicitor Marshall Handly to start negotiating a contract
Mike Nardella left the meeting due to another commitment.
Judy asked for consideration to pay an invoice from Essex County Newspapers for
$254.63. Rod made a motion and Thad seconded to approve payment of the invoice.
Voted 6-0.
Rod made a motion to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Thad seconded and it was voted 6-0 to
adjourn. the next meeting will be scheduled later.
Respectfully submitted,
Acting Secretary/Clerk