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The Elementary Facilities Building Commission met on Monday, January 29
at 12:00 noon at the Briscoe Middle School. Present were Nancy Levin, Mike
Lauranzano, John Drislane, Tom Scully, Judy Mulligan, Rod Maxner, and
Earl Flansburgh, Duncan McLelland, Jeanne Kuespert of Earl Flansburgh &
Associates and Mike Radner of Geller Associates. David Soleau of EFA and
Larry Chase both arrived at 12:30 p.m. Earl Flansburgh passed out an agenda
(copy attached). He discussed the importance of moving quickly on the survey
of the sites. As the City DPW is unable to perform the necessa~:y work in the
time frame allowed, Geller Associates had obtained three quotes and
recommended Welch Associates at a price of $64,000. (See attached letter.)
EFA will contract directly with Welch. The cost will be passed on to the
project as additional services. Nancy Levin moved to approve Welch
Associates for the survey, John Drislane seconded and it was unanimously
voted. Mike Lauranzano asked that all RFPs prepared by EFA for consultant
services be reviewed by the appropriate City body. Judy Mulligan will receive
copies of all such RFPs and see that this is done. The next two meetings were
scheduled to take place on Thursday, February 1, 1996 at 3:00 p.m. to discuss
the contract and on Monday, February 5, 1996 at 12:00 noon to discuss the
project. Judy Mulligan will be unable to attend the Thursday meeting and
asked Tom Scully to take minutes. Judy Mulligan handed out copies of the
minutes of the January 16 and January 22 meetings. Nancy Levin moved and
John Drislane seconded to accept and approve the minutes of the January 16
meeting. Mike Lauranzano asked that the minutes of the January 22 meeting
be amended to include the dollar amount of the contract. Judy Mulligan
agreed to amend the minutes as requested and to have the minutes of the
January 16 Executive Session prepared for the meeting on February 5. The
meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith A. Mulligan