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1996-05-13ELEMENTARY FACILITY BUILDING COMMISSION MINUTES A meeting of the Elementary Facilities Building Commission was held on Monday, May 13, 1996 at 12:00 noon at the Briscoe Middle School in the School Committee room. Present were Nancy Levin, Mike Lauranzano, Rod Maxner, Michele Gordon, Tom Scully, Judy Mulligan and Jeanne Kuespert of ERF+A. Jeanne K. handed out an agenda. The first item to be discussed was the difference between the bonding authorization of $37,000,000 and the latest cost estimate of $36,019,000 and how this should-be handled. Should the difference be put into furniture and equipment which is currently funded at the bare minimum? Mike Lauranzano expressed concern about the budget being increased to $37,000,000. Jeanne explained that any amount not included in the June 1, 1996 filing will not be eligible for 64% reimbursement. Mike will discuss the implications of this with the mayor. For now the difference will be put into the contingency line for each building, distributed between schools based on student population. Nancy asked that funds for furniture and equipment be redistributed based on student population. Currently it is the same dollar amount at each school. It was suggested that a furniture inventory of all schools to be renovated be done prior to the close of school. The SGESSS checklist was reviewed and responsibilities assigned. Mike will follow up on getting title to the Balch St. property. The School Committee will vote tonight to approve the Balch St. site. The conservation commission meeting will be held on May 21, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. The Beverly Historical Society has asked ERF+A to contact the Mass. Historic Commission regarding any potential archaeological significance to the Balch St. site. A letter has been sent to the City Council by Mike L. requesting a waiver of permit fees for the 6 school projects. There was a discussion about the possibility of Boston Gas extending the gas line to make gas heat an option for the Centerville School. At 1:35 p.m. Mike L. made a motion to adjourn. Seconded and so voted. The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 20, 1996 at 12:00 noon at the Briscoe Middle School. Respectfully submitted, Judith A. Mulligan Secretary/Clerk