2002-02-14City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: February 14, 2002
Place: Beverly Council on Aging, Arts & Crafts Room
Board members present: Frank S. Carbone Jr., MD, Norman Spector and Peter Hersee.
Board members absent:
Others present: William Burke, Director of Public Health, Thomas Scully, Director of Community
Services and Pat Zingariello, Public Health Nurse.
Recorder:Judith Balboni
Chairman Carbone called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
The Board reviewed and accepted the minutes of January 24, 2002.
Mr. Burke gave the Board an update on the choke-saving class, put together by Joe Reale, Health Department
and presented by the American Red Cross on January 8, 2002. Eighty employees from local food
establishments, having more than 25 seats, attended and received certificates.
Mr. Burke and Ms. Zingariello have been attending meetings for North Shore’s Wellness Fair. In the future
they would like to plan a wellness fair in Beverly, possibly during Public Health Month in April.
Mr. Burke has been meeting with the Household Hazardous Waste Oversite Committee planning their annual
event for April 27, 2002. A schedule of volunteers is being worked on.
Mr. Burke has been trying to set a date for Salem and Beverly Boards to meet to discuss ETS Regulations.
Beverly is considering going from a partial restaurant smoking ban to a 100 percent ban. Salem has a full
smoking ban in effect now. Also the issue of private clubs will be discussed. Marblehead has included private
clubs in their smoking ban. The Beverly Board will be scheduling a public hearing to give residents and
restaurant owners a chance to comment.
Pat Zingariello informed the Board that the dental clinic is celebrating Dental Health Month with an essay
contest for fourth graders. The theme of the contest is “Great Dental Health for a Lifetime” Prizes will be
The next scheduled meeting is March 21, 2002.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Balboni