January 11, 1999
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, January 11,
1999 in the Beverly High School Library, Beverly, MA.
Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Goodenough,
Mr. McHugh, and Mr. Cahill.
Members Absent: Mayor Scanlon.
Also in Attendance: William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools,
Judy DeLucia, Assistant Superintendent, and
Keith Manville, Assistant Superintendent.
President Bill Cahill called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Goodenough.
· It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to go into Executive Session to
consider negotiations with union personnel, take whatever action necessary, and return to
Open Session.
A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following:
YES: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Goodenough,
Mr. McHugh and Mr. Cahill.
NO: None
Unanimously voted.
The Committee went into Executive Session at 7:03 PM.
The Committee returned to Open Session at 7:14 PM.
· It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to approve the tentative agreement
with the Beverly Teachers Association, Unit C - Education Support Personnel, a two year
contract from September 1, 1998 through August 31, 2000.
Superintendent Lupini outlined the changes in the contract proposal and made brief
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A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following:
Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Goodenough, Mr. McHugh,
Mr. Bjork and Mr. Cahill.
NO: None
Unanimously voted.
Superintendent Lupini recognized the following for contributions and achievements:
· Numerous community retail businesses who assisted with and contributed to holiday
projects for needy families;
· North Shore Veterans Counseling Services, Inc. for donation of various Vietnam
Memorial photographs;
· Stephen Feld for his assistance in cataloging the library at Memorial Middle School;
· Mary Ellen Wioncek for assistance with the book fair at Memorial Middle School;
· Richard LaPointe for donation of an AT&T personal computer and printer to Beverly
High School;
· Karla Pressman, principal of Edward Elementary School, who was selected as a member
of the Board of Directors of the Title I Dissemination Project.
Leroy Hutt, Athletic Director, presented highlights of the Beverly High School Athletic
Department, Team Academic Excellence, by sport and grade level. Mr. Hutt expressed
appreciation to the School Committee and the community for program support, and
applauded coaches and students on a very successful and eventful year. He thanked Mr.
McHugh for spearheading the renovations project at Hurd Stadium.
In the absence of Mayor Scanlon, Superintendent Lupini accepted a check from Mr. Hutt
in the amount of $5,000, a contribution from the proceeds of the Thanksgiving Day game,
to be used for school maintenance projects.
Committee members and Administration praised Mr. Hutt for his efforts and contributions
to the successful athletic programs and expressed gratitude for the generous monetary gift.
A meeting of the Student Advisory Committee was held prior to the regular meeting this
evening. Records of the meeting will be presented at the next regular meeting.
There was no student representative in attendance at the meeting.
· It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to approve the records of the
December 15, 1998 regular meeting, as presented and amended to include the words "So
voted." on page 4, paragraph one. Unanimously voted.
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January 11, 1999
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· It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to approve the records of the January
4, 1999 organization meeting, as presented. Unanimously voted.
Opportunity for discussion on topics from School Board publication(s) will be part of the
meeting agenda at regular meetings.
Building Issues
Mr. Lupini presented written updates on building issues and projects in progress.
Visits to schools where major building projects have taken place will be scheduled for
committee members.
A meeting with DOE officials will be held in February to consider the scope of work for
renovations at Cove Elementary School.
· Upon the recommendation of the Administration and the Standing Committee on
Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve the creation of
one special education bus driver position for the remainder of the school year, funding
from savings of in-house transportation. Unanimously voted.
Policy Manual
NESDEC has completed work on the draft policy manual. Committee members will
consider the draft at a School Committee Retreat, date and place to be determined.
Superintendent's Mid-Year Evaluation
The mid-year evaluation conference will be part of the agenda for the February meeting.
President Cabill announced that Mrs. Brusil will replace him as co-chair of the Joint
Secondary Facilities Committee. Mr. Cabill will remain as chairman of the Negotiations
Subcommittee, and the other two standing committee chairs will remain the same.
Joint Secondary Facilities Committee
The next meeting of the committee will be held Thursday, January 21 at 7:00 PM in the
School Committee Room, Briscoe Middle School.
Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities
Mr. Bjork presented minutes of the meeting held December 21, 1999.
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· Upon the recommendation of the Administration and the Standing Committee on
Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve a budget
transfer of $3,000 from AD700 62672 (Administrative Printing) to AD700 62007
(Administrative Advertising). Unanimously voted.
· Upon the recommendation of the Administration and the Standing Committee on
Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve a budget
transfer of $12,500 from OT660 62872 (Other Instructional Training and Development)
to AD700 62873 (Principals Training and Development). Unanimously voted.
Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life
Mrs. Frutiger announced the next meeting wilt be held Monday, February 1, 1999.
Minutes of the last meeting are included in meeting materials.
Subcommittee on Negotiations
No report at this time.
· It was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to send back the Beverly High School
Improvement Plan for further work and development. Motion was defeated, with
Mr. Bjork and Mrs. Goodenough voting in favor of the motion.
· It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to accept the Beverly High School
Improvement Plan for the 1998-1999 school year, aspresented. Motion approved,
with Mr. Bjork and Mrs. Goodenough voting in opposition to the motion.
Mr. Cahill thanked BHS Site Council Community Member, Donald Stacey, and Principal
Bill Foye for their efforts in preparation of the plan and for attendance at the meeting.
· It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to go into Executive Session to hear a
grievance from AFSCME, take whatever action necessary, and not return to Open
A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following:
Mrs. Frutiger, Mrs. Goodenough, Mr. McHugh, Mr. Bjork
Mrs. Brusil and Mr. Cahill.
NO: None
Unanimously voted.
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· It was moved by Mrs. Goodenough and seconded to go into Executive Session to
discuss negotiations with non-union personnel, take whatever action necessary, and not
return to Open Session.
A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following:
YES: Mrs. Goodenough, Mr. McHugh, Mr. Bjork. Mrs. Brusil,
Mrs. Frutiger and Mr. Cahill.
NO: None
Unanimously voted.
The Committee recessed at 8:15 PM.
The Committee went into Executive Session at 8:40 PM.
Elizabeth Frutiger