February 14, 2000
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, February 14, 2000,
at the McKay School, 131 McKay Street, Beverly, MA.
Members Present:
Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mrs. Coburn, Mr. McHugh,
Mrs. Norris, Mayor ScanIon and Mr. Cahill.
Members Absent: None
Also in Attendance:
William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools,
Dr. James Hayes, Assistant Superintendent,
Dr. Judy DeLucia, Assistant Superintendent, and
Mrs. Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager.
President Cahill called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Scanlon.
President Cahill recognized representatives from the Beverly Harbor Authority, who presented
information on a proposal for a walkway near Cummings Center property (around the pond)
which abuts school property. Ron Bouchard, Director of Buildings and Grounds, will meet with
City Planner, Tina Cassidy, and Harbor Authority representatives to discuss the proposal.
Superintendent Lupini and Ron Bouchard, Director of Buildings and Grounds, recognized and
publicly thanked the following individuals for efforts "above and beyond" in moving the
Alternative School (Choices) to their new location in the Cummings Center over the
Thanksgiving weekend. Those instrumental in the move were John Panzero, Tony Alfonso,
Timothy Liporto, Charles Americo and Ron Bouchard.
Steven Cottle, Beverly High School student, addressed the Committee concerning a dual
enrollment issue, and requested reimbursement for expenditures for a course at North Shore
Community College. Superintendent Lupini will meet with Steven this week to discuss the
Gail Gall, Beverly High School parent, voiced concerns relative to high school scheduling issues.
Regular Meeting
FeBruary 14, 2000
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Shawn Streiff, Student Representative, stated concerns about smoking in bathrooms at Beverly
High School. Ongoing discussions are being held and initiatives are being proposed to address
the problem, including enforcing fines. Shawn spoke of the accomplishments and cooperation of
many students, staff, and members of the school community who volunteered to paint at the
High School.
· It was moved by Mrs. Norris and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held
January 10, 2000, as presented. Unanimously voted.
Communications from members included:
- invitations to read at the Cove Elementary School
- concern about kindergarten sessions and "no switch" at mid-year
- concerns regarding bus transportation being too early at some stops
- middle school reconfiguration discussions
- MCAS remediation program :
- announcement that a new state funding formula will be forthcoming
- notice that letters were sent to students on the Curriculum., Instruction, and Student Life
Committee, inviting them to serve again this year as student advisors.
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and
Student Life, it was moved by Mrs. Bell and seconded to accept the School Improvement
Plans from the following schools, as presented. It was moved by Mrs. Bell and seconded
to amend the motion to include a full-time Assistant Principal as Goal 3 in the Ayers Ryal
Side Elementary School plan. The motion, as amended, was unanimously approved.
School Improvement Plans
Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School
Centerville Elementary School
Cove Elementary School
Edwards Elementary School
Hannah (at McKay) Elementary School
McKeown Elementary School
North Beverly Elementary School
Patten Elementary School
Briscoe Middle School
Memorial Middle School
Beverly High School
Superintendent Lupini presented a Short-Term List of Issues, which is being referred to the
Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities for review and recommendation.
Regular Meeting
February 14, 2000
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School Redistricting
· It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to convene a working session of the School
Committee and the original Redistricting Committee to discuss administrative
recommendations on dealing with "technical corrections" to the original "Report of the
Advisory Committee on School Redistricting, technical corrections to deal only with
enrollment issues. So voted.
It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the recommendation of the
Administration to organize a Transition Committee, a group of parents, principals, and
others, to make specific recommendations concerning transition guidelines for implementing
the elementary redistricting plan. So voted.
Representative to North Shore Regional Vocational School District
· It was moved by Mr. McHugh and seconded to approve the recommendation of
Paul F. McDonald as Beverly's representative to the North Shore Regional Vocational
School District Committee for a three-year period, beginning January 14, 2000. So voted.
Staff Positions
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was
moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the creation of one teaching position in the
Developmentally Delayed program, presently housed at Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School,
at a cost of $16,173 for the remainder of the current school year, funding to come from the
special education contingency account. So voted.
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was
moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the creation of one teaching position for the
Emotional/Behavior Disabilities program (to be split between Beverly High School and
Choices) at a cost of $16,173 for the remainder of the current school year, funding to come
from the special education contingency account. So voted.
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was
moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded approve the creation of two teacher aide positions for the
preschool inclusion program at Patten Elementary School, at a cost of $9,510 for the
remainder of the current school year, funding to come from the special education
contingency account. So voted.
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was
moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the creation of one special needs bus monitor
position at a cost of $2,950 for the remainder of the current school year, funding to come
from the special education contingency account. So voted.
Before and After School Programs
Superintendent Lupini presented information and enrollment figures on before and after school
programs presently operating in district schools.
R egular Meeting
February 14, 2000
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Superintendent's Forums
Superintendent Lupini will hold Open Forums at all schools during the next few weeks. A
schedule of the forums will be distributed in the community and mailed to committee members.
Standardized Testing (Grades 2 and 6) and MCAS 2000 Testing
Superintendent Lupini presented a detailed written report on the results of the Terra Nova Test
and the Stanford Achievement Tests administered to students. He presented information on the
MCAS 2000 testing schedule, including dates for grades three, five, six, and seven tryout
MCAS School Performance Rating Process (Mid-Cycle Progress Reports)
Superintendent Lupini presented information on the School Performance Ratings, and explained
the rating system and standing of each school.
Budget Transfers
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was
moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve a budget transfer of $4,000 from OT730
62095 (District Copiers) to OT720 62045 (Instructional Computers) to match funds
contributed by the Mayor and PTOs for middle school computers. So voted.
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was
moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve a budget transfer of $75,000 from
OT80062810 (Health Insurance) to OTS00 62811 (Employer FICA) to cover a projected
shortfall. So voted.
Surplus Property
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was
moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to request the City Council declare the following items,
presently located in the Briscee Middle School "home economies" room, as surplus
equipment: eleven sewing machines, four monitors, four word processors, four work
stations, several student desks with non-removable graffiti, and computer related equipment
("graveyard" items). So voted.
Mrs. Mulligan, School Business Manager, briefly explained proposed changes to the SBA
program regulations. Comments are requested by March 3, 2000. Concerns were raised with
respect to time lines and prioritization of the project list. It was recommended that the
Commissioner's advisory committee have a set number of members.
Career and College Advisory Committee
Mr. Cahill distributed copies of a questionnaire, requesting volunteers willing to speak to
students about institution(s) they attended. Forms should be returned to Mrs. Biegger in the
Superintendent's Office.
Regular Meeting
February 14, 2000
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Grade Configuration Committee
Superintendent Lupini stated that site visitations have been completed. A meeting will be held
on Tuesday, February 15, 2000.
Hurd Stadium Advisory Committee
Mr. McHugh announced the next meeting will be held Wednesday, February 16, 2000.
Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life
Mrs. Bell reported on the meeting held February 7, 2000, at which time all schools presented
School Improvement Plans.
Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities
Mrs. Brusil presented minutes of the meeting held January 24, 2000.
A public hearing on the proposed FY01 school department budget will be held Monday, April
24, 2000. The next committee meeting will be held Monday, February 28, 2000.
Subcommittee on Negotiations
Mrs. Coburn will schedule a meeting in the near future.
· It was moved by Mr. McHugh and seconded to accept the School Committee Goal -
Promote Beverly High School- with changes, as presented. So voted.
It was moved by Mr. McHugh and seconded to accept the School Committee Goal -
Implement Elementary Building Plan and Develop Secondary Schools Building Plan -
with changes, as presented. So voted.
It was moved by Mr. McHugh and seconded to accept the School Committee Goal -
Maintain a Consolidated List of the Three (3) Top Priorities (from the School
Improvement Plan) of each school with the intent to: (see goals) - with changes/additions,
as presented. So voted.
· It was moved by Mr. McHugh and seconded to accept the School Committee Goal -
Advocacy - with changes/additions, as presented. So voted.
· It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to mend the Goal on Advocacy to include
"Establish a district newsletter for 2000-2001 ." So voted.
· It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to mend the Goal on Advocacy to include
"Establish a district website for 2000-2001 ." So voted.
Regular Meeting
February 14, 2000
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The Beverly High School Accreditation will take place March 12-14, 2000,
Members of the Visiting Committee have requested to meet with the School Committee at 3:00
PM on Sunday, March 12 at the High School. A schedule of activities is being formulated for
the visit.
School Board Governance policies will be considered for a Second Reading at the next regular
meeting, to be held at Memorial Middle School on Monday, March 13, 2000.
A request was made to investigate the possibility of having high school students tape regular
committee meetings. MediaOne will be contacted again to request reconsideration of taping
regular meetings.
· It was moved by Mr. McHugh and seconded to adjourn. So voted.
The meeting adjourned at 9:56 PM.
Janet Norris