2000-03-01 with Redistricting CBEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
March 1, 2000
A Special Meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday,
March 1, 2000, at the Beverly High School Library, Beverly, MA, to conduct
discussions with the Advisory Committee on Redistricting.
Members Present:
Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Norris
Mrs. Coburn arrived at 7:25 PM
Members Absent:
Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon
Also Present:
Mr. William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools, and the
following members of the Advisory Committee on School
Redistricting: Lindsay Diehl, Pamela Gougian, Tom Scully,
Jeanne Seaman, Cheryl Sydorko, Loyce Thomson, Alice
President Cahill called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM.
Mr. Cahill stated the purpose of the meeting "to discuss certain technical corrections to
the Report of the Advisory Committee of School Redistricting, such technical
corrections to deal only with enrollment issues."
Mr. Lupini explained that the administration recommends that the following streets,
which had been previously designated for redistricting to Cove Elementary School, be
instead redistricted to Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School:
Edwards Street
Rantoul Street (1-173 odd)
Fayette Street
School Street
He further explained that the recommendation is being made because the
administration has looked at actual enrollment numbers, There are two grades at the
Cove Elementary School (currently first and second) where there are large numbers
(94 and 101 students, respectively) that he believes are inconsistent with the original
intent of the redistricting committee.
Loyce Thomson made the suggestion that South Hardy Street also be added to the
above list of streets as she saw on the map that it was in the same neighborhood as
the other streets. Mr. Lupini stated that that sounded like a good suggestion and
would certainly be possible as there is currently one student who resides on South
Hardy Street.
Pam Gougain asked Gina Coburn what changes were being recommended for the
McKeown School district and Mr. Lupini explained that no new changes were being
recommended for that area. That is, no changes are being recommended that are not
already spelled out in the redistricting plan.
Mrs. Norris asked whether making these technical corrections, which are based on
actual enrollment data, could lead to other changes to the plan as the time that it is
going to be implemented approaches. Mr. Lupini responded that it is necessary to
make a firm decision and get the information out to the public, therefore, no other
changes are likely to be recommended.
Jeanne Seaman observed that the change would decrease the percentage of
students who are eligible for free and reduced lunch at the Cove School and increase
the percentage of said students at the Ayers Ryal Side School. Mr. Lupini explained
that although the numbers look disparate, they are actually quite close, according to
the state averages.
Mr. Lupini stated that the redistricting plan is scheduled to take place at the conclusion
of the renovation of the North Beverly Elementary School. This is projected to be two
years from this fall, meaning the fall of 2002.
Mr. Lupini further stated that an Elementary Redistricting Transition Advisory
Committee has been formed. The committee is made up of representatives from all
areas of the school district that are being affected in any way by redistricting. Their
charge will be to make recommendations to the School Committee on issues related
to transitioning families to redistricting. Their first meeting is scheduled to take place
on Tuesday, March 14 from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Administrative Conference Room at
the Briscoe Middle School.
Mr. Cahill stated that the School Committee will be asked to vote whether or
not to accept the administration's recommendation regarding "technical
corrections" to the redistricting plan when they next meet, which will be
Monday, March 13, 2000 at the Memorial Middle School at 7:00 PM.
Mr. Cahill also made School Committee members aware of a change in the meeting
date for the joint meeting with the School Committee and the City Council. It is
scheduled for Wednesday, March 29, 2000 at 7:00 PM at the Beverly High School
The meeting was adjourned at 8:38PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet A. Norris