August 28, 2000
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday, August 28, 2000, at the
Beverly High School Library, Beverly, MA.
Members Present:
Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. McHugh,
Mrs. Norris, Mayor ScanIon and Mr. Cahill.
Members Absent: Mrs. Coburn
Also in Attendance:
William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools,
Dr. James Hayes, Assistant Superintendent,
Dr. Judy DeLucia, Assistant Superintendent, and
Mrs. Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager.
President Cahilt called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM.
Superintendent Lupini introduced new administrative staff:
Dr. Mitchell Arrow, Acting Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Elaine Paradis, Director of Athletics, Physical Education and Health
Colleen McBride, Principal, McKeown Elementary School
Joe Clement, Academic Division Leader for Mathematics, Science and Technology,
Beverly High School.
Mr. Lupini recognized Debbie O'Connor, Special Education Teacher at Edwards Elementary School, for
exemplary work in the Special Education Office during the summer months.
President Cahill and Superintendent Lupini recognized and thanked the following district staff members
who coordinated numerous summer programs:
Edwards Summer Institute
Title I Summer Camp
Special Education Summer School
MCAS Summer Math Program
Beverly Summer School Program
Ellen Salley and Jodi Gennodie, Coordinators
Pauline Boutin and Sue Brown, Coordinators
Sue Charochak, Coordinator
Steve Stone, Coordinator
Bob Bisceglia, Director
Mr. Cahill declared a brief recess at 7:17 PM.
The Committee reconvened at 7:30 PM.
Lois Markham presented questions and concerns about the new ROTC program being offered at Beverly
High School. Mrs. Markham inquired as to the length of commitment, whether the program is an
elective, whether staff am certified in Massachusetts, and how the program will help students succeed in
MCAS testing.
Regular Meeting
August 28, 2000
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Pam DeAngetis, spoke of concerns about students "giving up" on MCAS tests. She inquired how the
ROTC program will impact students, and whether them are other alternatives.
Dan DeAngelis expressed concerns about the program being appropriate for the age group. He asked if
ROTC could be offered as a club rather than a course, and inquired how to how the program will be
Tom Gale expressed concern about the police (uniform) presence in the school, and inquired about the
vision for BHS.
Jane Burnhardt inquired about whether curriculum is in place to teach non-violent behavior.
Mr. Cahill summarized the discussion by stating the program is federally funded with matching local
money. Although the district applied for the program over two years ago, the funding was not available
until now. Superintendent Lupini stated the program will be reviewed periodically. ROTC course
instructor, Major David Flores, will attend the Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life Meeting in
October to explain the program and answer questions
· It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held June
20, 2000, as presented. So voted.
· It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to approve the records of the special meeting held June
23, 2000, as presented. So voted.
After-School Care
Superintendent Lupini introduced Debbie Amaral from the YMCA, and her assistant, who will be
providing after-school child care services to Beverly students. The Medallion (Champions) provider
notified the Superintendent very late in the summer that they would no longer be able to provide the
services, due to inability to hire staff and make a profit. Mr. Lupini applauded Ms. Amaral and the
YMCA for stepping up, in such short notice, to assist the School Department. Beverly Children's
Learning Center will continue to provide services at the Patten Elementary School, and the YMCA
programs already in place at buildings will continue this year.
Overnight Field Trip
Ray Novack and Carolyn Pilanen, Beverly High School teachers, presented a request for the Musitour
trip to Washington, DC/Virginia Beach, April 24-29, 2001, including schedule of daily events and
competitions, district curriculum connection, field trip justification, and explanation of the personal
conduct contract and commitments.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. McHugh and seconded to
approve the Musitour field trip request for Beverly High School students to Washington, DC/
Virginia Beach, April 24-29, 2001, as presented. So voted.
Time and Learning
Regular Meeting
August 28, 2000
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The Administration recommended that the middle schools be considered as elementary for the purposes
of time and learning requirements. Superintendent Lupini will provide more information at the
September 1 lth regular meeting, and the recommendation will be considered at that time.
National Conference
· It was moved by Mr. McHugh and seconded to approve the request from Superintendent Lupini to
attend the National Conference of the American Association of School Administrators in Orlando,
Florida, February 16-19, 2001. So voted.
Early Redistricting
Sixteen students were granted early redistricting under the program approved in May, 2000, at the
following schools: Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School (one student), Cove Elementary School (ten
students), and Hannah Elementary School (five students). Notification concerning requests to have
students remain at their present elementary school after redistricting will be made before October 31,
Massachusetts District Performance Evaluation System
Superintendent Lupini presented materials describing the school district performance evaluation process
adopted by the Board of Education, part of the School and District Accountability System.
Personnel Update
Nearly all positions have been filled for the 2000-2001 school year. Interviews are being conducted for 4
positions left to hire. A complete update on staffing, including budgetary implications, wilI be provided
at the Finance and Facilities meeting on September 2511~.
MASC Workshop
Janet Norris and Nancy Brnsil will attend a workshop, sponsored by MASC, on Thursday, September
28ttl, at Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School.
Hannah Facility Update and Dedication
Work at the Hannah School is being completed to ensure a smooth opening on September 6
A walkthrough for School Committee and City Council members will be held at 6:00 PM on
Tuesday, September 5m. Dedication of the Hannah School will be held Sunday, September
Mentor Program
Committee members are invited to attend the Induction Day and Mentor Program for new staff
on Wednesday, August 30.
Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life
The meeting scheduled for September 5th has been changed to Monday, September 18Ill.
Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities
The next meeting will be held Monday, September 25t~..
Grade Configuration Committee
A final recommendation of the committee will be discussed at the next meeting of the Standing
Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life on September 18m.
Hurd Stadium Advisory Committee
Mr. McHugh will establish a schedule of meeting dates with committee members.
Regular Meeting
August 28, 2000
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Career and College Advisory Committee - No report.
Subcommittee on Negotiations
Copies of the integrated BTA Contract will be available in September.
Mr. Cahill stated continued work on goals is proceeding. Training for school councils will be held in
September, and a meeting will be scheduled to consider school council plans. Mr. Lupini will formulate
draft responses for presentation to the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life
Committee on September 18*. A request was made to publish the agenda of regular and subcommittee
meetings in advance, part of the goal on advocacy.
Members received and reviewed composite summaries of the Superintendent's Evaluation.
Comments from members noted that the Superintendent has strong skills and continues to make great
progress in the system. The evaluation was a favorable one, with requests and suggestions for further
improvement, including a professional development program for administrators in senior positions.
Superintendent Lupini thanked the Committee for the feedback and constructive comments.
· It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to go into Executive Session to receive information
relative to pending litigation, take whatever action necessary, and not return to Open Session.
A roll call resulted in the following:
So voted.
Mayor ScanIon, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris and Mr. Cahill.
So voted
· It was moved by Mrs. Brusil and seconded to go into Executive Session to conduct negotiations with
non-union personnel, take whatever action necessary, and not return to Open Session.
A roll call resulted in the following:
Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. McHugh, Mrs. Norris, Mayor ScanIon and Mr. Cahill.
The Committee adjourned at 9:00 PM.
The Committee went into Executive Session at 9:15 PM.
Janet Norris