June 8, 1998
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday,
June 8, 1998 in the Beverly High School Library, Beverly, MA.
Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Frutiger,
Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon and Mrs. Goodenough.
Members Absent: None
Also in Attendance: William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools,
Keith Manville, Assistant Superintendent of Schools,
and Judy Mulligan, Business Manager.
Mrs. Goodenough called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Frutiger.
Superintendent Lupini recognized the following persons as each was
applauded for notable achievement and/or contributions.
· Robert Dunn, English Teacher at Beverly High School, who was
selected as one of thirteen semi-finalists for the 1998 Massachusetts
Teacher of the Year program.
· Sarah Diehl, Grade 5 student, Edwards School, who was named the
winner of the North Shore Music Theater 1998 "Laura Ingalls Wilder"
Creative Writing Contest.
· Beverly High School Senior Academic Award recipients and
Fine Arts Department Awards recipients.
· Arnie Cowan, donation of a printer to Beverly High School.
· James Obremski, Grade 5 student, North Beverly Elementary School,
$100 savings bond first prize winner in the Massachusetts Dental Society
Dental Health Month Essay contest.
· Dave Solomon, owner of Bridge Street Mutual gas station, who donated
$4000 to Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School to purchase new
computers for Grade 4.
June 8, 1998
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· An Excellence in Education Award was presented to Stephen Quinlan,
Grade 8 student, Memorial Middle School, for contribution as a member
of the Standing Committee on Curriculum Instruction and Student Life.
Approval of Records
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the records of the regular
meeting held May 11, 1998, as presented. Unanimously voted.
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the records of the special
meeting held May 18, 1998, as presented. Unanimously voted.
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the records of the special
meeting held June 1, 1998, as presented. Unanimously voted.
Budget information to community members
Memorial Day Program at Briscoe Middle School
Solar Now Sprint Teams in state competition
Jazz Concerts in the park
Fine Arts Festival
Beverly High School Graduation
Up-All-Night Graduation Party
Requests to name the McKeown School Library after Susan A. Fiorini were
received by members. The Committee will review the policy on naming of
buildings and rooms after individuals and notify the public of the process to be
Joint Secondary Facilities Committee
President Linda Goodenough appointed Russ Bjork, William Cahill, Jr. and
Elizabeth Frutiger to the Joint Secondary Facilities Committee. A letter will be
forwarded to City Council President Peter Gilmore, requesting that three
members from the City Council be appointed.
Superintendent Goals
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the Superintendent's
Performance Goals for the 1998-99 School Year, as presented. The motion
was amended to read the Superintendent will include documentation with
each goal, prior to evaluation by the School Committee.
So voted, with Mrs. Frutiger voting in opposition to the motion.
School Committee Goals
Committee goals were approved in the records of the special meeting held
June 1, 1998. A retreat will be held in the Fall.
June 8, 1998
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Building Projects
The McKeown Elementary School is to be finished between June 15 and July 1,
with notification that moving furniture into the building can begin on June 22.
Window work at the Edwards and McKay Elementary Schools will begin in
early August, with a completion date of October 15.
Work on the second part of the High School roof is expected to be completed
by July 22nd, with major portions of the other school wings already completed.
IOWA Test of Basic Skills Scores
A summary of the grade three test results, compiled by the Superintendent, was
included in meeting materials. Mr. Lupini was pleased with the progress of
students. Additional information will be secured in the future to help interpret
the meaning of the scores and assess the correlation between student
performance and socio-economic data.
Department Head Job Descriptions
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the proposed job
descriptions for Department Heads, including a stipend which is negotiable.
Unanimously voted.
Surplus Furniture
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the request of the
Business Manager to declare school furniture at Ayers and McKay School as
surplus, in a memo dated June 8, 1998. Unanimously voted.
Special Meeting to Certify FY99 Budget
A special School Committee meeting will be held at 8:00 PM or immediately
following the meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities on
Monday, June 22, 1998.
Superintendent Lupini explained FY99 budget information and documentation,
including revenues, expenditures, reductions, and program improvements.
School Improvement Plans
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum,
Instruction, and Student Life, it was moved by Mrs. Frutiger and seconded to
approve the School Improvement Plans for the following schools:
Centerville Elementary School
Edwards Elementary School
North Beverly Elementary School
Briscoe Middle School
Memorial Middle School
Unanimously voted.
Regular Meeting
June 8, 1998
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· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum,
Instruction, and Student Life, it was moved by Mrs. Frutiger and seconded to
defer approval of School Improvement Plans for the following schools to
September, 1998:
Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School
Cove Elementary School
Hannah Elementary School
McKeown Elementary School
Patten Elementary School
Beverly High School
Unanimously voted.
Hurd Stadium
Mr. McHugh reported plans are progressing for remodeling, as funding is
secured. The committee is optimistic for a late Fall completion date.
Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities
Minutes of the meeting held May 26, 1998 were made available.
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and
Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork to approve budget transfers as
recommended in a memo from the Business Administrator dated May 26, 1998.
Unanimously voted.
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and
Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork to authorize the Business Manager to
make year-end transfers as needed. Unanimously voted.
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities,
it was moved by Mr. Bjork to approve new food service positions for FY99 and
immediate reconfiguration of clerical positions as recommended in a memo from
the Food Services Director dated May 26, 1998. Unanimously voted.
Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life
Minutes of a meeting held June 1, 1998 were made available.
Subcommittee on Negotiations
There is no report.
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to go into Executive Session to consider
negotiations with union personnel, take whatever action necessary, and not return
to Open Session.
Regular Meeting
June 8, 1998
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A roll call vote was requested, which resulted In the following:
YES: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Frutiger,
Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon and Mrs. Goodenough
NO: None
Unanimously voted.
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to go into Executive Session to consider
negotiations with non-union personnel, take whatever action necessary, and not
return to Open Session.
A roll call vote was requested, which resulted In the following:
YES: Mrs. Brusil, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Frutiger, Mr. McHugh,
Mayor ScanIon, Mr. Bjork and Mrs. Goodenough
NO: None
Unanimously voted.
The Committee recessed at 8:20 PM.
The Committee went into Executive Session at 8:30 PM.
Elizabeth Frutiger
Beverly Public Schools
Superintendent's Evaluation
Summary of Comments
May 1998
A. Relationship with the School Committee
The numerical rating was high in this section and the overall consensus is that Mr. Lupini
has an even-handed and professional relationship with the committee. He has done a good
job of informing and educating the committee on a number of issues including MCAS,
impending legislation, court ruling, regulatory issues and educational research.
B. Community Relations
The numerical rating was very high in this section and the committee consensus is that Mr.
Lupini excels in this area with one member listing all the public meetings including the
articles in the Salem Evening News, "Meet the Superintendent", MCAS and budget
C. Staff and Personnel Relationship
There was more of a numerical spread in this area and some members indicated that they
had insufficient information to evaluated many items in this section. Overall, the
committee seems satisfied with the performance in the area with two exceptions relating to
the way the administrative reorganization was accomplished.
D. Business and Finance
The numerical ratings were high in this area. The committee is quite pleased with the
finances are being handled, the FY 99 budget process and Mr. Lupini's ability to
communicate the fiscal needs of the district.
E. Educational Leadership
Although the numerical rating in this area was good, there was less consensus under the
comment section in this area. Some members felt that they had insufficient information to
address some of the items.
F. Personal Qualities
Generally, the committee rated the superintendent high in this area noting that he is a good
G. Superintendent's Goals
The committee rated the goals as mostly complete. The comments indicated that some
members feel that the many of the goals have not been accomplished due to the scope of
the goals. However, they also noted that the frameworks are now set to meet these goals
in the coming years and therefore should remain as goals for next year.
General Comments
Overall the committee enjoys working with Mr. Lupini and feels that he has excellent
leadership and communication skills. He has dealt with immediate problems effectively
and has the system well-positioned to move ahead in many areas.