April 13, 1998
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Monday,
April 13, 1998 in the Beverly High School Library, Beverly, MA.
Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Frutiger,
Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon and Mrs. Goodenough.
Members Absent: None
Also in Attendance: William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools,
Keith Manville, Assistant Superintendent of Schools,
and Judy Mulligan, Business Manager.
Mrs. Goodenough called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Cahill.
Superintendent Lupini acknowledged Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blazo, parents at Ayers
Ryal Side Elementary School, who recently presented a check to the Ayers School for
$1500.00 which will be used to purchase a computer system for a classroom at the
Other notable recognition by members included: - Technology Night at the Cove Elementary School
- Reading programs in elementary schools
- McKay Elementary School Science Fair
- Memorial Middle School play
- Briscoe Middle School play
- All City Band Concert in April
- BHS Orchestra and Chorus excellent productions
- Notice of Governor's attendance at Briscoe Memorial Day Program May 15
There was no report; the student representative was not in attendance at the meeting.
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the records of the regular
meeting held March 9, 1998, as presented. Unnaimously voted.
Regular Meeting
April 13, 1998
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Members received communications regarding the budget process, the closing
of the Endicott program at Patten School, questions regarding the vote on the
new assistant superintendent position, Day On The Hill scheduled for May 14,
and receipt of a letter from Representative Tierney, which will be duplicated and
mailed to members.
Superintendent Lupini presented recommended procedures for creation of a
new position within the district.
Policy on Creation of New Position(s)
All positions must be recommended by the Superintendent and
approved by the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities
prior to consideration by the School Committee.
Position recommendations should be brought to the next regularly
scheduled meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities.
When necessary, the Superintendent has the authority to create
temporary positions in the interim before a meeting of the Standing
Committee on Finance and Facilities and the next regularly scheduled
meeting of the School Committee.
All position recommendations must include a Superintendent
recommendation, starting date, specific building information, and
identification of funding for the position.
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded that the School Committee adopt
the administrative recommendations concerning procedures for creation of a
new position within the district. Unanimously voted.
The recommendations were accepted as a First Reading and will be considered
for a Second Reading and policy adoption at the next regular meeting.
Superintendent Performance Goals - Progress Report
A summary of progress on goal areas will be included as part of the
Superintendent evaluation packet, to be mailed to members the middle of April.
Building Issues
A brief update was presented on all building projects.
Regular Meeting
April 13, 1998
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Mr. Lupini updated members on options to address enrollment concerns at the
Centerville Elementary School, including enlargement of the present
kindergarten room, which would allow all classes (grades K-5) to remain at
Centerville for the 1998-99 school year. The approximate cost of the project
would be $25,000, funding to come from the FY99 budget. There is no room at
Patten Elementary School for additional classrooms, therefore moving the
kindergarten class to Patten is not an option.
Job Descriptions
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the job description for
Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education, with noted changes (add
certification as an elementary teacher, and include vertical and horizontal
articulation between elementary, middle and high schools).
Unanimously voted.
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the job description for
Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education, with noted changes
(include vertical and horizontal articulation between elementary, middle and
high schools). Unanimously voted.
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the job description for
Grants Coordinator/Director of Institutional Development, as presented.
Unanimously voted.
Emergency Building Plans
Principals have been requested to create emergency (evacuation) plans and
submit in draft form to the Superintendent by April 28, 1998.
Dedication Plaque for McKeown Elementary School
The Building Commission voted to authorize the School Committee to decide
what information should be included on the dedication plaque for the new
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to include the names of members of
the former Building Commission and representatives of the Joint Elementary
Facilities Committee on the McKeown School dedication plaque. (This action to
be at the discretion of Mrs. Mulligan, Business Manager. If the budget allows,
include names of current School Committee and City Council members; if
funding is not adequate for additional names, purchase a second plaque,
funding to be determined.) Unanimously voted.
Multi-Age Project at Hannah Elementary School
A "pilot" multi-age project for the 1998-99 school year was presented at the
meeting of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life.
Regular Meeting
Apdl 13, 1998
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The Superintendent has given permission for the multi-age project to be
implemented at Hannah Elementary School next year.
School Wear
A "pilot" school uniform project at the McKeown Elementary School for the
1998-99 school year was presented at the meeting of the Standing Committee
on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life. The principal, Mrs. Harlow, and the
Superintendent will meet to finalize procedures for the project to be implemented
for the 1998-99 school year.
School Starting Times
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to adopt the administrative
recommendation for starting time changes for the 1998-99 school year as follows:
(All other elementary school times remain the same - 8:30 AM - 2:25 PM).
McKeown Elementary School 8:15 AM - 2:10 PM
Ayers Elementary School (at McKay) 8:45 AM - 2:40 PM
Patten Elementary School
Full Day Kindergarten 8:45 AM - 1:45 PM
Half Day Kindergarten & Grade 1 8:30 AM - 2:25 PM.
Unanimously voted.
Substitute Teachers
Superintendent Lupini requested permission to utilize a subcontracting service for
the remainder of the current school year to provide substitute teachers when the
district is unable to secure enough substitute teachers. Based on the success of
the service, the Superintendent would like to investigate subcontracting the
assignment of substitute teachers for the 1998-99 school year.
° It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the Administrative request
to utilize a subcontracting service for the remainder of this school year when the
district is unable to secure enough substitute teachers. Unanimously voted.
Policy Revisions
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the adoption of policy
revisions in School Committee Operations - Meetings 3. Procedures
c. Rules of Order to change wording, where applicable, to reflect the City
Charter reduction in the number of School Committee members from 9 to 7, and
the requisite two-thirds vote of the full membership on motions/major decisions.
Unanimously voted.
Committee Reports
Hurd Stadium Advisory Committee
Mr. McHugh, Chair, reported on the meeting held April 8. Fund-raising efforts are
continuing and representative from the North Shore Technical School will be
contacted to begin renovation work in September.
Regular Meeting
Apdl 13, 1998
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Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities
Mr. Bjork, Chair, reported on a meeting held March 23, 1998. The next meeting will
be held at the Beverly High School Library on Tuesday, April 14, 1998. A Public
Hearing on the proposed School Department budget will be held on Monday, April
27, 1998 at 6:30 PM in the Beverly High School Auditorium.
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities,
it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve the transfer of $3750 from
Custodial Overtime to Guidance Counselor salaries, as requested by the High
School principal. Unanimously voted.
· Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and
Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to create an in-school
suspension aide position at Beverly High School. Unanimously voted.
Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life
Mrs. Frutiger, Chair, reported on a meeting held April 6, 1998. Minutes will be
mailed to members. Discussion items were addressed under the
Superintendent's Report earlier in the meeting.
Subcommittee on Negotiations
Mr. Cahill, Chair, reported an initial meeting with representatives of AFSCME
will be held on April 14. The next meeting with the BTA will be held on April 28.
Minutes of previous meetings are included in meeting materials.
· It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to go into Executive Session to consider
negotiations with union personnel, take whatever action necessary, and not return
to Open Session.
A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following:
YES: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Frutiger,
Mr. McHugh, Mayor ScanIon, and Mrs. Goodenough.
NO: None
Unanimously voted.
The Committee recessed at 8:14 PM.
The Committee went into Executive Session at 8:30 PM.
Elizabeth Frutiger
April 27, 1998
A School Committee Public Hearing on the proposed FY99 School Department
budget was held on Monday, April 27, 1998 in the Beverly High School Auditorium,
Beverly, MA.
Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Frutiger,
Mr. McHugh, and Mrs. Goodenough.
Members Absent: Mayor ScanIon
Also in Attendance: Bill Lupini, Superintendent of Schools,
Keith Manville, Assistant Superintendent, and
Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager.
The hearing was called to order by President Linda Goodenough at 6:37 PM.
Mrs. Goodenough stated the reason for the public hearing, citing M.G.L.
Chapter 61, Section 38 N, and the Beverly Municipal Charter, Article 6, Section
6.2. A legal notice of the hearing was published in a local newspaper with a
summary of the proposed FY99 additions. Copies of the proposed budget have
been made available to the public, and the budget hearing being held to afford
citizens the opportunity to be heard regarding the budget proposal.
Mrs. Goodenough turned the proceedings over to Mr. Bjork, Chair of the
Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities. Mr. Bjork presented a brief
overview and explanation of the budget, noting figures for level funding,
summaries of significant changes, and information on grant funding. A narrative
from the Superintendent was included, showing justifications for proposed
changes in the budget.
The following persons were recognized to speak. Written comments will are
included in the records of the public hearing.
Kate Davis, Toni Musante, Tracey Brady, Liz Crean,
Debra Debski, Karen Wonoski, Mary Grant, and Charlene Baer.
When no other persons requested to be recognized for input, the hearing was
declared closed. The hearing closed at 7:20 PM.
Elizabeth Frutiger
April 27, 1998
A special joint meeting of the Beverly School Committee and the Beverly City
Council was held on Monday, April 27, 1998 at the Beverly High School Library,
Beverly, MA.
School Committee Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Frutiger,
Members Present: Mr. McHugh, and Mrs. Goodenough.
School Committee Mayor ScanIon
Members Absent:
City Council Mr. Flaherty, Mrs. McGlynn, Mr. Martin, Ms. McMahon,
Members Present: Mr. Rollins, Mrs. Troubetaris, Mrs. VanLiere and Mr. Gilmore.
City Council Mr. Murray
Members Absent:
Also in Attendance: Keith Manville, Assistant Superintendent, and
Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager.
Mrs. Goodenough called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM.
Opportunity was provided for questions regarding the proposed school
department budget. Concerns were voiced surrounding lack of maintenance of
school buildings over the past several years, due to budget cuts, and the need
to appropriate funding for the schools and make maintenance a top priority.
Suggested areas for possible cost-cutting and cooperative efforts included
collaboration with the Department of Public Works, and regionalized health care.
Copies of the proposed five-year maintenance plan will be forwarded to
members of the City Council. A Joint School Committee and City Council
Secondary Facilities Committee will be formed after July 1.
Mr. Gilmore and Mr. Flaherty expressed pleasure in the renewed credibility with
the School Committee and their working relationship, noting positive feedback
from the community, as well as strong support for Superintendent Lupini.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.
Elizabeth Fruitiger