1998-10-13134 BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS October 13, 1998 A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Tuesday, October 13, 1998 in the Beverly High School Library, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mr, Cahill, Mrs. Frutiger, Mr. McHugh, and Mrs. Goodenough. Members Absent: Mayor ScanIon. Also in Attendance: William Lupini, Superintendent of Schools, Judy DeLucia, Assistant Superintendent (Elementary), Keith Manville, Assistant Superintendent (Secondary), and Judy Mulligan, School Business Manager. Mrs. Goodenough called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Brusil. RECOGNITION AND PRESENTATIONS Citywide PTO Quilt Members of the Citywide PTO, Lois Markham, Colleen Minnegan, and Betty Dyke, unveiled a handmade quilt, individual squares being unique to each Beverly school. The quilt, made by Laurie Conway, will be on display at schools on a rotating basis, designed to promote united efforts among all Beverly Schools. Merit Honor Scholars Superintendent Lupini and President Linda Goodenough presented Excellence in Education Awards to National Merit Semi Finalists, Sarah Donnell and Michael Vanne, and National Merit Commended students, Lauren Brady, David Kirkland, James Wilson and Andrew Winson. Such Other Matters/Other Recognition · Briscoe Middle School Open House · Dedication of the McKeown Elementary School · Beverly High School Parents Night · Dedication of the Fonzo Connector/Airport Road · Special thanks to Judy Milled WGBH Institute on a successful a professional staff development course attended by twenty-four teachers. · Special thanks to Preston Carmichael for donation of a Pentium 300 computer to the James L. McKeown Elementary School. Regular Meeting October 13, 1998 Page 2 STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE'S REPORT There was no representative at the meeting. APPROVAL OF RECORDS · It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the records of the regular meeting held September 8, 1998, as presented. Unanimously voted. COMMUNICATIONS · Letter from Beverly Hospital, Grand Friends, regarding cooperative programs with the Beverly Public Schools. Mr. Lupini has scheduled a meeting with representatives from the program. · Mrs. Goodenough received a mailing from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees regarding items for consideration at the November Annual Meeting. Consensus was formulated on each action item, with respect to voting yes or no. POLICY (Second Reading) · It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the Home Schooling Policy, with revisions recommended by the Superintendent. Unanimously voted. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Building Issues Mr. Lupini presented a written update on building issues, including window repair projects at the Edwards and McKay Elementary Schools, and rebuilding of the J Wing East Corridor at Beverly High School, all to be completed in the next few weeks. Memorial Middle School Principal Search Preliminary interviews with ten candidates were held October 6-8, 1998. Finalist interviews with the Superintendent and School Committee will be held Thursday, October 22, 1998 at 6:30 PM in the School Committee Room. Time and Learning · It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Standing Committee on Instruction, Curriculum, and Student Life that the middle schools be considered as elementary (for the purposes of time and learning requirements) for the 1998-1999 school year. So voted, with Mr. Bjork voting in opposition to the motion. 1999-2000 School Calendar · It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Standing Committee on Instruction, Curriculum, and Student Life to adopt the 1999-2000 School Calendar, as presented. (see attached) Unanimously voted. 135 136 Regular Meeting October 13, 1998 Page 3 Data on 8th Grade Class of 1997-1998 Mr. Lupini presented data on Memorial and Briscoe classes of 1997-1998, showing that 91.7% of the students chose to attend Beverly High School or one of Beverly's vocational programs. Surplus vehicles · Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork that the following vehicles be declared as surplus to the School Department and that a letter be forwarded to the Beverly City Council recommending the vehicles be declared surplus property: 1) 1980 Chevrolet Fleetside Pick-up Truck (VIN#CCD14A1161974), 2) 1981 International School Bus (VIN#1HVBA18E7BHB29169, 3) 1981 Ford Styleside Pick-up Truck (VIN#2FTCF10E2BCA56059. Unanimously voted. Personnel · Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve the creation of a Special Education Team Leader position, retroactive to September 1, 1998, at a cost of $40,000. So voted. · Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mrs. Frutiger and seconded to approve the creation of a Foods Teacher position(.6) at Beverly High School, retroactive to September 1, 1998, at a cost of $17,000. So voted, with Mr. Bjork and Mrs. Goodenough voting in opposition to the motion. · Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve the creation of a Clerk position at Beverly High School, retroactive to September 1, 1998, at a cost of $11,946. So voted, · Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded to approve creation of the following positions, retroactive to September 1, 1998: - In-School Suspension Training Assistant at Beverly High School, at a cost of $11,946; - Computer Skills Training Assistant at Briscoe Middle School, at a cost of $11,946; - Part-time Bus Driver, at a cost of $8,074; - Special Education Aides (18.5 positions), at a cost of $173,498; - Regular Education Aide, Centerville (Grade 3), at a cost of $9,378; - Special Education Aides (2.5 positions), at a cost of $23,445; - Part-time Chorus Aide, at a cost of $4,500; - Increase the hours of the Transportation Department Clerk from 30 to 35 hours/week, add one (1) bus driver, and increase three (3) bus monitor Regular Meeting October 13, 1998 Page 4 positions to exceed the "under twenty hour" work week, funding to be taken from the Transportation Revolving Account. Unanimously voted. · Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, it was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the creation of a regular education aide position at Cove (Grade 5), at a cost of $9,378. So voted, with Mr. Bjork and Mrs. Goodenough voting in opposition to the motion. Mrs. Goodenough changed her vote to the affirmative, resulting in a 5-1 vote. Motion approved. MCAS Tests MCAS results will be released to school districts after November 30 and to the general public five days after that date. Medallion Programs Superintendent Lupini presented enrollment information in "Champions" after- school programs in seven elementary schools. Job Description · It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to approve the job description for the "Nurse Aide" (high school) position, as recommended by the Superintendent. Unanimously voted. Superintendent Goals Mr. Lupini presented a written update on the Superintendent Goals. Policy - First Readings Acceptable Use Policy for Technology Services Suggested revisions were noted. Mr. Lupini will take the suggestions back to principals and administrators for further revision and consideration at another regular meeting. Student Activity Accounts Suggested revisions and edits were noted. A second reading on the proposed policy will be heard at the next regular meeting. Substitute Teachers · It was moved by Mr. Bjork and seconded that the Bevedy School Committee authorize the Superintendent to implement the proposed Substitute Teacher policy at the rates of compensation contained in the document, effective date to be determined by the Superintendent. Unanimously voted. 137 138 ReguJar Meeting October 13, 1998 Page 5 Committee Reports Hurd Stadium Advisory Committee Mr. McHugh, Chair, reported renovations on the stadium are in progress, with a targeted completion by Thanksgiving Day. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 7:00 PM in the School Committee Room. Finance and Facilities Minutes of the September 28, 1998 meeting were included in meeting materials. Other action items were addressed earlier on the agenda. Curriculum Instruction, and Student Life Minutes of the October 5, 1998 meeting were included in meeting materials. The next meeting will be held Monday, November 2, 1998 at 7:00 PM in the School Committee Room. Subcommittee on Negotiations Minutes of the August 27, 1998 meeting were included in meeting materials. Joint Secondary Facilities Committee The initial meeting was held October 1, 1998. Minutes will be included in a future mailing. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 11, 1998 at 7:00 PM in the School Committea Room. · It was moved by Mr. Cahill and seconded to go into Executive Session to discuss negotiations with union personnel end not retum to Open Session. A roll call vote was requested, which resulted in the following: YES: Mr. Bjork, Mrs. Brusil, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Frutiger, Mr. McHugh and Mrs. Goodenough. NO: None Unanimously voted. The Committee recessed at 8:35 PM. The Committee went into Executive Session at 8:40 PM. Secretary