1998-12-04 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 14, 1998 CITy F~ CiT~, CLERKS OFFICE E~ VED AND RECORDED PRF, SF, NT: Commissioners Barnico, Dean, Eaton, Gourdeau, Lydon, and White. ABSENT: Commissioners Duval and Rosen. PUBLIC: Ken Lewis, Gerry Nelson, Ken Robinson, and Victor Capozzi. A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentations: · Airport Master Plan Update - Marshall Stevens of Dufresne-Henry Inc. updated the Commission on the AMPU's status. In general, forecast figures are conservative and indicate a 1% annual growth rate. He is now working on facility requirements. · Aero Manufacturing Construction - Attorney Tom Alexander presented Aero Manufacturing's plans to construct a building adjacent to the Runway 34 approach zone. This construction does not penetrate Part 77 airspace. Commissioner Vitale made a motion to approve the construction with the understanding that Aero Manufacturing not construct anything that would present a danger to aircraft such as glaring lights, smoke emissions, bird/wildlife attractants, or disturbance to NAVAIDS and aircraf~ radio frequencies. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau.Motion passed unanimously. 2. Reading of the Minutes for November 9, 1998 - Chairman White called for a reading of the minutes. Commissioner Lydon made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Vice-Chairman Eaton. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Reports for October and November 1998 - Chairman White called for a reading of the financial reports. Commissioner Mahoney made a motion to accept the financial reports, seconded by Commissioner Barnico. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: · Gongas Acquisition - Airport Manager Mezzetti informed the Commission of the updated value appraisals ($290,000.00 property, $26,700.00 comprising replacement housing, closing costs, home inspection, and moving expenses, BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 14, 1998 and the updated avigation easement appraisal of $72,500.00). FAA and M.A.C. are reviewing the updated figures. Commissioner Eaton made a motion to accept the updated valuations contingent on FAA and M.A.C. approval, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed with six (6) Yeas and two (2) Nays. · Ransom Phase II Remediation - Airport Manager reported that once the City' s Director of Engineering, Frank Killilea, approves Ransom' s revised Phase II Scope of Work, he will be able to give us a date when Gumard remediation can start. He hopes to review the scope within the next several days. Airport Manager had also updated Mr. Tom Ford on Mr. Kiililea's comments. · Omni Lease - (Discussed in Executive Session.) C. NEW BUSINESS: · Airport Master Plan Mission Statement - (Discussed at Airport Master Plan Update. Commissioner Barnico will get back to Airport Manager regarding expanding the mission statement and getting more specific.) D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: The Airport Manager's written report for the 12/14/98 BAC meeting was included in the Commission's ]2/14/98 BAC meeting packets. Subjects covered were the Gongas Acquisition, Ransom Phase lI Remediation, AMPU Mission Statement, Omni Lease, MALS, Contemplation of Salem State Coilege's Airport Marketing Analysis/Business Plan, AMPU Planning Advisory Committee Meeting (PAC), Omni Fuel Tanks, MAC Fueling Inspection, and Airport Emergency Service Procedure Meeting. There was additional discussion on the recent Omni tank removal and the subsequent soil test results. Further discussion talked about the lack of Omni documentation for tank tightness (leak) testing, and that additional contamination test data results were shortly due in to Mobil's tank removal contractor. E. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Commissioner Lydon made a motion to enter into executive discussion to address Omni's lease, seconded by Commissioner Barnico. Motion passed unanimously. BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 14, 1998 Commissioner Lydon made a motion to return from executive session, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously. F. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: There was discussion on whether or not the Airport Manager should seek a speaking engagement at the Danvers Kiwanis Club in order to present the M.A.C. 's and BAC's side of the Vegetation Management Plan notification/information procedures. Since the talk would be to counteract an earlier talk given by the United Neighbor's spokesman, Bill Cian~'occa, it was the consensus of the Commission not to seek a speaking engagement. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Lydon, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 10:10PM.