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NOBLE Webmail - Loginhttp://mail.noblenet.org/webmail/emumail.cgi...067%3a1%3a287jP%20kEC871I%20VXO%207zW%20WiDd Download this MSWord file City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: February 5, 2004 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O"Neil, Gary Lambert, Lauren Young, Patti Adams, Dave Gardner Board members absent: Arthur Powell Others present: Director Bruce Doig and Tom Scully Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. DIRECTOR"S REPORT Bruce and Joscelyn will speak at the Library"s Morning Lecture Series on February 9th. They will speak about the Recreation Dept programs, the web site and the Master Plan. Camp registration is scheduled for Friday February 13th starting at 10 am. Discussed proposal presented by Claudia Hawks for a Tennis/Sports/Crafts Camp at Dix Park. Should this proposal go forward, the tennis courts at Dix would need to be refurbished. It is estimated that a patch job would run $2000-$3000 and a complete renovation approx $20,000-$30,000. It was suggested that the Lynch Trustees be approached to cover the patch job. Further discussion was tabled to next meeting. Beverly Golf & Tennis Camp: If the pool is not open the camp will not be open either. Building renovations at Lynch Park are coming along. Discussed the article in the Salem News about Jack Murray and the gazebo he recently purchased from King"s Grant. The article mentioned that Mr. Murray had plans to renovate the gazebo and donate it to Lynch Park. After some discussion, a motion was made to have the Chairman contact Mr. Murray to discuss the gazebo. Motion carried 6-1. Veteran"s Memorial at Odell Park: Lauren reported that she wrote to Ron Costa and a few other people asking for input into appropriate activities for the park. The group agreed that wide range of people should be polled. A mailing to all veterans was discussed. It was suggested that the City"s Veteran"s agent could help by providing a mailing list. Further discussion was tabled to the next meeting. Bruce reported that he would attend a 3-day workshop in February to become a Certified Playground Safety Inspector. Gloucester Crossing Initiative: meetings continue. Group now has a website. Vitale Site: Tina Cassidy has told Bruce that no copies of any agreements or contracts that may have been made between Mass Electric or any other groups regarding the Vitale Site can be found in the Planning Dept office or the Mayor"s office files. She is trying to reconstruct the paperwork. The City Solicitor contacted Bruce and informed him that an agreement has been reached between the City and the Glenn Urquhart School to use the school"s soccer field as a staging area for the Chubb"s Brook project. The City has agreed to rebuild the field and have given the school permission to use Dix Park (Mon Thur from 2-4 pm) in the meantime. After checking the Dix schedule, Bruce did not feel that there would be any conflict. New brochure has gone out. Registration has been slow. We are planning more publicity including a paid ad in the Salem News. Budget: rate increases were discussed for the summer staff that has gone without an increase for a couple of years. Bruce explained how the increase 1 of 24/27/04 10:16 AM NOBLE Webmail - Loginhttp://mail.noblenet.org/webmail/emumail.cgi...067%3a1%3a287jP%20kEC871I%20VXO%207zW%20WiDd could be covered and made recommendations as to how the increase would be applied based on the number of years the employee has worked. After some discussion, a motion was made to accept the Director"s proposal to increase summer staff rates to no less than 2% for 2nd year staff, and no less than 3% for staff with 2 years or more. Motion carried with all in favor. LONG RANGE PLANNING Lauren suggested that it was time to break into sub-committees and prioritize the lists. OTHER BUSINESS Chairman asked for nominations for the vacant seat of Vice Chairman. Lauren Young was nominated. With no other names nominated, nominations were closed. Vote was unanimous. LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tom Scully reported that Dr. Wiley of Endicott has agreed to run a seminar on fund raising. A tentative date was set for April 8th. BARC REPORT Bill Collins reported that a BARC meeting would be held soon to continue discussions on the creation of a dog park. He related an article in the Salem News about a similar committee recently formed in Salem. Bill intended to contact the Salem group to share ideas and resources. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Gail J Carmody Recreation Department Powered by EMU Webmail 5.1 - © 2001 EMUMAIL 2 of 24/27/04 10:16 AM