2004-04-01 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: April 1, 2004
Place: Beverly Public Ubrary
Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O'Neil, Lauren Young, Dave Gardner, Mike
Gaudette, Arthur Powell
Board members absent:Patti Adams, Gary Lambert
Others present: Director Bruce Doig
Minutes of previous month's open meeting were accepted as written.
Minutes of executive session meeting were accepted as written.
Bruce reported that the Lynch Trustees would bond for up to $200,000 for a new roof for the carriage
house. (Thank You!)
Upcoming Events
Newly formed Dog Park Committee will meet next Wednesday, 4/7/04. Committee members Include Mike
Gaudette, Bill Collins, Kevin Hobin, Paul Guanci and 4 members from BARC, Janet Gottschalk, Linda
Goodenough, Ed Walsh and Wayne Miller. Alternates from BARC are Chris Wiswall and Matt Bangert.
Dave Gardener reported that dog park sites were discussed in a recent Open Space meeting with the
Mayor. Bruce talked about the Mass Electric site, which looks very suitable as is, at least for a temporary
Youth Weight Lifting Program
The Director reported that (without a doubt) this is the most successful new program the Rec Dept has
ever offered. Thirty teens are registered and 3 are on a wait list. Attendance is excellent and the
training Is going well. Bruce is assisted in the training by Jelf Monroe (Pop Warner Coach) and Dan
Bower (BHS Varsity Football Coach).
Lynch Park Advisory Committee
Public healing was held 3/29/04 at the Senior Center with about 30 people in attendance.
Lynch Park / Building Renovations
New windows will be installed soon. DPW is working hard to spruce up Lynch Park after a tough winter
caused much damage to overflow parking area and many grassed areas.
Budget - Level funded budget was submitted to the Mayor's office. Discussed upgrading Joscelyn's
position and salary to Include the new duties she has assumed since the Asst. Director's position was
eliminated last year. This position is paid for from proceeds from our Enterprise Fund. Bruce will
investigate the process for making this change. Everyone agreed this was a good idea worth pursuing.
Playground Safety - Bruce reported he passed his CPS! exam. Bruce hopes to complete an updated
Playground Safety Audit in the next year.
Gloucester Crossing Initiative
Group continues to meet. It would cost about $4100 to open Holcroft Park this summer. A spring
program would cost an additional $750. Community Development could commit to the funding of this
Golf Cart - Has been repaired at a cost of $1200. Discussion was held on what percentage should to
charged to the School Dept. Suggested 50% of labor plus the new batteries.
Vending Machine, - No progress at this time. Bruce is talking to Gloria Foods who contacted him about
a concession at Dane.
Have been notified about a Breast Career 3-day Walk in July, whlch will spend a night in Beverly at
BHS on Saturday July 31. There will be about 3,000 people with tents, food stations, restrooms, showers,
stage for entertainment, etc. BHS and Beverly AD has okayed the event. Some concern was expressed
about the possible damage to the field areas being used especially If there Is rain. Bruce will talk with
John Lyons (AD) again before issuing permit for event.
Odell Park
Lauren updated the survey form and distributed it to the Commission for review. The hope is to
distribute the survey In April via train station, local businesses, neighborhood drop, and distribution to the
Beverly veteran's posts...'
BG&T Club Pool
The BG&T Commission has definitely decided to dose the pool at the BG&T Club and they have notified
the City Council of their decision via a letter from John Kenney, Chairman. We will no longer be doing
swim lessons, pool memberships or our Golf, Tennis & Swim Camp.
Vltale Site - No update from Tina Cassidy or the Mayor's office.
The Commission continued to discuss ideas for the Long Range Plan and assigned people to various
subcommittees. Suggestions were made regarding structuring the Long Range Plan, adding new ideas,
prioritizing issues, identifying resources needed, and establishing timelines.
Meeting adjoumed at approximately 9:00PM.
Respecfully submitted
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department