2003-11-06 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Beard: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: November 6, 2003
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Arthur Powell, Bill Collins, Kevin Hobin, Jack O'Neil, Gary
Lambert, Lauren Young, Patti Adams, Dave Gardner
Board members absent:
Others present: Director Bruce Doig, Tom Scully, Rich Benevento
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written.
LYNCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Rich Benevento, Chairman of the Lynch Advisory Committee
was present to discuss the draft of their master plan. The Commission was asked to review and
comment. Questions were asked about the process once the plan was accepted. Discussed fund
raising ideas. Many ideas for the renovated carriage house and the current Recreation
Department Building were discussed. On December 15th the Advisory Committee is to present
their master plan to the City Council. The Commission thanked Mr. Benevento for all his hard
Bruce reported that some work is being done at Harry Ball. Installation of swings at Lynch should
be done next spring. Still working with Mike Bouchard of DPW to coordinate installation of
benches and EZ Diggers at Gillis Park. Mike does not have the manpower at this time to
complete this work. It will be planned for the spring.
Bruce reported that he attended the MRPA Conference in Danvers. Took six excellent
seminars on a variety of topics.
Park Tour / Fall Edition was set for Nov 15th at 7:00 AM leaving from Lynch Park.
Mom's Softball Tourney raised $2,538 for The Education Fund and $2,100 for Bootstraps.
Veteran's Memorial at Odell Park: Mike Collins has been in touch with Veterans about some
modifications to the tower and the placement. Work will not be completed by Veteran's
Day. It was suggested that the groups meet again. A subcommittee was created to review
information Lauren compiled about other parks with veterans' memorial and create a list of
appropriate uses for Odell Park.
Office renovations have begun. Things are progressing slowly but surely.
Beverly Golf & Tennis Pool: Bruce is taking a CPO course next week to get certified in Pool
Operations. Spoke recently to Bill Burke and Joe Reale of the Health Department, who told
him that the main drain and broken tile work must be repaired to bring pool up to code. Joe
Eckstrom, Director of Operations for Johnson Golf Management, asked that the Health
Department put this in writing. Bottom line: someone has to commit to these repairs
before we start to sell memberships. Reported on pool expenses in neighboring towns.
Vandalism at Parks: Graffiti at the Common, Dix Park, Cove Playground and Dane Street
Mass Electric still working to repair lights along driveway at Lynch. They have been out
since summer.
Bartlett Gardens: One light on basketball court has been shut off. Situation has improved.
Mr. Lord has been contacted and he is happy with the current situation. We will monitor
this issue through next summer.
November 6, 2003
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Youth Collaboration: moving forward on new Youth Center to be built behind YMCA Sterling
Center on Essex Street.
Benches: working with DPW to have new benches installed at Lynch Park, Obear Park, and
Gillis Park.
Field Committee: meeting was held with Mark, Gary, Jack, and Bruce to discuss better use
of facilities, fund raising, revising permit fees, etc. We will be restarting meetings with all of
the sports leagues to get everyone involved in this process.
Lynch Park Rose Garden Brickwork: The newest section has been redone and looks great.
Dave Gardner made a presentation about Green's Hill. The Commission reviewed several maps
and aerial photos of the area and discussed possible plans for this open space. Dave showed a
Powerpoint presentation and described possible uses for the area.
Discussion was reopened on placement of memorials at Odell. Chairman, Mark Casey strongly
recommended that the Commission compile a list of appropriate activities for Odell Park. It was
suggested that a Ward Two Civic Assoc. member be included in any meetings held to determine
activities. A subcommittee was formed including Bruce, Lauren, Bill and the Ward 2
representative to be determined.
3anuary agenda: Long Range Planning (Lauren, Patty and Bruce to meet and discuss proposals
for long range plans).
Meeting adjoumed.
Respectfully submitted,
Gall Carmody
Recreation Deportment