2002-12-03City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Commission and BARC Subcommittee Date: December 3, 2002 Members Present: Kevin Hobin, Patti Adams, Robert Jerin, Bill Collins, Donna Furse, June Van Knowe, Matt Bangert (Temp) Members Absent: Bruce Doig Others Present: Arthur Sullivan, Acting Recreation Director, Jim Lindley, Animal Services Officer Meeting Called to order at 7:05pm by chair Kevin Hobin th Minutes The acceptance of the minutes for the November 6 meeting was postponed due to the absence of the secretary. The minutes from the November 19, 2002 meeting were accepted. Administrative Deb Davis resigned from the committee. Deb served as secretary. It was decided to have the secretarial duties performed by the Beverly Recreation Department. Gary Simpson resigned. BARC selected Matt Bangert to serve as committee member until a permanent replacement can be selected by BARC. Old Business Fees The ASO passed out a draft of the revision of the current Animal Control Ordinances. Highlights include new fee structure, $15 for spay/neutered dog, $20 for unaltered dog and $50 for a dangerous dog. Discussion included that the full draft may be outside the scope of this committee. It was suggested that members should read the pertinent sections and return with ideas and suggestions. Dog Park Discussion included setting up a full-time area for dogs and their owners so the possibility of problems will be eliminated and people will feel safe and comfortable. Comments on areas suggested: Bessie Baker: a long ways in the making, small, not local. Sally Milligan: no parking, no lighting, will there be extra police protection? Landfill: questions of safety A proposal was made to allow dogs off leash at Lynch Park. The discussion included the use of the entire park, and the control of dogs off leash in a large area. A suggestion was made to use the over-flow parking area at Lynch Park for an off leash area for dogs. The discussion included that this area is already partially fenced and the rest of the area could be fenced to contain the dogs. Questions of the area being cleaned up after the dogs, so that park patrons would not walk through after parking their cars. Also, the Lynch Park Advisory Committee is working on a master plan for Lynch Park. Anything that is done, should be with the master plan in mind. The Advisory Committee may explore relocating the main parking area to the overflow parking area. If this happens, the off leash area may be a temporary plan. It was suggested that a meeting be set up to do a site visit of the over flow parking area at Lynch Park. The meeting was set for Saturday, December 7, 2002 at 8:00 am. Next Meeting, Tuesday, December 17, 2002, 7:00pm at the Beverly Public Library. Meeting Adjourned at 8:45pm