2002-02-07City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: February 7, 2002
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell , Patti Adams,
Elizabeth Caputo, Lisa McFadden, Lauren Young
Board members absent:
Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as written.
Joan spoke to Mike Collins regarding a monthly update.
Discussed ordinance revision submitted by Paul Guanci regarding Hurd Stadium. The revision would put the
responsibility of Hurd Stadium under the commission. Currently the stadium is under the direction of the School
Department. Public Services Dept. is maintaining the field. It was suggested that perhaps separate ordinances
were needed, one to control scheduling, one to control maintenance and capital improvements. Everyone agreed
that clarification is needed on why this change is being proposed at this time. Bruce will speak to Paul Guanci.
Joan, Bruce and Kevin will attend the City Council meeting on Monday. Further discussion on the issue was tabled
until more information was available.
Joan reported on a dog park meeting she attended. Present were Paul Cotter, Tom Scully, Mike Collins, Phil
Klimowicz, Debbie Hurlbert, Dennis Tarsook, and Fran MacDonald. Most agreed that the ordinance for Lynch
Park should prohibit dogs year round. Recommendation should come from the Commission, the Board of Health,
the Police Dept and Public Services. Only Mr. Cotter agreed that a dog park was needed. The dump is a potential
site. Also suggested were several small dog parks spread around town. Motion was made by Dave “no dogs
allowed at any park at any time”. Motion seconded. Motion made by Arthur Powell “ no dogs at Lynch Park,
Memorial Day to Labor Day”. Motion by Liz “ no dogs at Lynch Park at any time year round “ to begin as soon as
possible. Commission will look into a site for a dog park. Motion seconded. Discussion: Important to get the
backing of the Board of Health, as well as, Public Services. Vote: 7 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstained.
Motion was made that the Commission ask the City Engineer to do a feasibility study about creating a dog park at
the Brimbal Ave dump site. Motion carried.
Peter Berkrot, Studio Director gave a brief overview of his program. He is asking for an outdoor space for
Shakespeare in the Park performances with a teen group this summer (late July, early Aug). Performance dates:
(evenings) July 26-27-28 and possibly Aug 2-3-4. , as well as some day time rehearsal time. Sets would be portable
and minimal. Performances could be early, so no lighting would be needed. The Common was discussed as a site,
gazebo would be used. City would require liability insurance releasing the City of Beverly from responsibility for
injuries or damages to property. Motion was made that the request for rehearsal and performance time this summer
at the Common for Shakespeare in the Park be granted to New Visions, New Voices with the provision that any
staging to be added at the Common be approved by Phil Klimowicz. Motion seconded and passed.
Copy of action plan available soon. Dave asked Joan to make copies for Commission. Plan to be presented at a
meeting scheduled for Tu, March 5rh at the Library. Joan suggested using the Senior Center instead
Scheduled for Feb 28 at the Cove School beginning at 7 pm
Discussion on budget and finances was tabled to the March meeting.
Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted
Gail Carmody, Recreation Department