2001-06-04City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: June 4, 2001 Place: Beverly Recreation Dept Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, , Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell , Patti Adams, Lauren Young Elizabeth Caputo Board members absent: David Gardner Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. It was noted that some barrels have been added to some of the parks. Mike Collins and Phil Klimowicz could not attend due to a budget meeting. · Joan spoke to Phil about tree planting and was told he plans to replace trees as needed. Liz asked for a listing of what is planted and where. · Seawall and fence repairs were discussed. DPW has installed a snow fence and plans to relocate fence further away from the seawall at another time. Commission was extremely concerned about the safety of the area and wanted the point to be pressed with Mr. Collins that the snow fence was not sufficient. Liz stated that she does not like the idea of relocating the fence due to the lose of that property and the maintenance issues on the land on the other side of the side. How will grass, etc be maintained? It was decided that a clear specific plan must be given to Mr. Collins about what the Commission wants done. Tom Scully stated he would call Mike. DIRECTOR’S REPORT · Benches – Joan asked approval to purchase a bench for former Recreation Director Ed Churchyard. Motion made, seconded and passed. Bench will be dedicated at first concert. · Ahearn Park – Joan explained that Dawn Goodwin was seeking approval of the plan for Ahearn, copies of which were distributed for review. Joan stated her concerns about $18,000 of new equipment being installed considering that the equipment put there 4 years ago already in bad shape. It was decided that a meeting would be arranged for June 18 when Dawn, Joan and some of the Commission members could get together at Ahearn. · Discussed Enterprise Fund and new budget. · Discussed Mr. Powell’s idea of offering a special rate for “lunch time” visits to Lynch Park. A variety of ideas were offered on how this could work. It was noted that if this is done it must be advertised Community Wide. Matter was tabled to the next meeting. · Centerville (Cahill Park)- Joan discussed her idea for Tot Equipment for that park. City still has $12,000 in an account for this. NEW BUSINESS · Bruce explained that the Bradley Family want to donate fencing at Harry Ball in memory of Ben Bradley. Donation would cover fencing ($7-10,000) and the on going maintenance. They asked that a placque be installed. Commission asked for the details on the placque and wording. · Green’s Hill: according to the newspaper the City has reached an agreement to purchase the property. · Mr. Scully reported that he has a volunteer to help work on the “dog park” COMMITTEE REPORTS · Beverly Golf & Tennis: no report · Lynch Trustees: Arthur reported that brick work in the Garden will begin shortly. Also discussed replacement of some windows in the barn. Mr. Scully noted for the record that he is not unhappy with the quality of Mr. Sabatini’s work, as stated in last month’s minutes, but rather he was unhappy with what Mr. Sabatini was instructed to do. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Gail J. Carmody Recreation Department