2001-09-06City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: September 6, 2001
Place: Beverly Recreation Dept
Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell , Patti Adams,
Lauren Young , Elizabeth Caputo
Board members absent:
Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully
Commission met with Paul Singer whose daughter’s wedding at the Rose Garden was rained out. In spite of the
policy of “no refunds due to bad weather” he is asking for his $200 back. The department still had to pay the
wedding coordinator who was scheduled to work that day. Lauren: if we make this exception, we need to reword
the policy stated on our application for use of the garden. She agreed that a refund minus our expenses may be in
order due to the extreme weather conditions that day. Lauren made a motion to reconsider and review the last vote
of July 5, 2001 and that Mr. Singer be refunded his fee minus the payment to the wedding coordinator. Motion
carried with 5 in favor and 1 abstaining.
Commission met with Rose Maglio. Discussed a $200 grant for additional landscaping from the Improvement Society
for western end of South Hardy Street. She generally works with Phil Klimowicz on selecting and planting. Money
needs to be spent this season or will be lost. She is asking the Commission’s approval to proceed. Motion was made
that the funds be spent under the direction of Phil Klimowicz. Motion carried with all in favor. Rose also asked about
plans for more equipment at the park. She was concerned about its location as there is some equipment there now.
She also expressed concerns about the sewer system at the park. The Commission assured that they will look at the
situation carefully before anything is done at that location. Joan noted that field work needs to be done at that
location before any equipment is placed.
Park Tour date was set for September 29 starting at 7 am meeting at Lynch Park.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written.
Arthur Powell was approached about a potta pottie for Bartlett Gardens.
Discussed new security system being put in place in the barn. Joan explained that our department has not be given
much information but we have noticed the work being done. Mr. Powell asked Joan to ask about the camera
surveillance that had been discussed at a meeting he and Tom had attended.
· Rose Garden: Joan briefed the Commission on the renovations as well as the pest control. Bait traps have been
visited. Asked for permanent signs “no bikes, skates…stay off the wall” etc.
· Maplewood: abutter called Joan to report a part of the fence has been broken down and used to climb over the
fence to his property. Joan suggests adding Maplewood to park tour.
· Summer 2001: AWESOME…great weather…great staff…great participant numbers..
· Assistant Director: 37 resumes received, some people have been interviewed. Many great people. Decision
should be made soon.
· Playground Equipment: Dix: equipment installed. Lynch: swings need to be replaced.
Motion to spend $48,000 this year on equipment. Motion carried with all in favor.
Some funds will come from The Friends.
Parks & Rec Minutes
September 6, 2001
Page 2
Lauren reported that the group (Liz, Bruce, Lauren and Tom) met on 7/19, 8/21 and 9/4.
Goals that were set:
· Be done with meetings by 8:30 pm
· Add sub committees
· Get a written Director’s Report one week in advance of monthly meeting
· Get a report from Park Department in advance of the meeting
· Keep up with long range planning by having a main topic of discussion each month
October: Playgrounds; November: Parks & Open Space; January: Money & Finance
· Eliminate Committee Reports from the agenda
Other suggestions: more meetings with Mike Collins , John Dunn, other city officials.
· Beverly Golf & Tennis: discussed new management group coming in. Joan asked if we will still be able to use the
facility for our programs (exercise, golf lessons, swim and tennis lessons, etc). Kevin will check into it.
· Lynch Trustees: Arthur spoke to the Guild President about the barn. He directed him to Mike Collins.
Discussed letters received from people interested in joining the Commission.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail J Carmody
Recreation Department