2000-03-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: March 2, 2000 Place: Beverly Public Library Beard members present: Bruce Doig, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell, Patti Adams, Lauren Young, Elizabeth Caputo and ivy Maban. Board members absent: Mark Case/ Others present: 3oan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Marl Matt, Tom Scully, Michael Papamechail, Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. PARKS DEPARTMENT REPORT Obear Park - discusssed the tennis & basketball courts---asked if there was a preference to which side would be best for which court? Mr. Papamechail provided the following pm.iect costs: Fencing: $7850; Resurfacing: $8325; Reclaiming: $5500; Surfacing & Lining bball $2545; surfacing & lining tennis: $2520; Tennis Netting, poles: $24,00; TOTAL: $ 29,040 (does not include basketball backboards, poles,nets) Single Basketball Courts (PV, Cove, Bessie, Vittori, Ahearn): cost to hot top each court is $8325; sealcoating will be: $ 5152. Total for each court $13, 4,77. Okay was given to proceed with hot roping. 3oan will see about getting a better sealcoating price. Lynch Park Retaining Wall: Materials should be delivered next week. Dick & 3unes Repairs: work to start next week estimated to cost $10,000. New Water Main - work to begin soon. They will be running a new 6" water main from Ober Street to the hydrant near the barn with service over to the bathhouse. Will provide better pressure. Catch basins at Lynch have been finished. Mrs. Burns called him about adjusting the way the water flows from the fountain. He will look into what can be done. Lynch Park Entrances: Discussed replacing chains with a different type of gate. Looking for other options. Also discussed some type of sun shelter for gate attendants. Equipment for Vittori Park: Joan discussed new equipment for that location. Will be installed by company. Asked for Mike's input on where to locate. DIRIECTOR'S REPORT Sailing: Jubilee interested in purchasing our equipment ( boats, 3 new sets of sails, etc). Discussed whether or not we would ever want to offer the sailing lessons again. It was suggested that Community Boating be contacted about contracting out with them. It was decided that the Deparb'nent would keep the equipment for now to give Joan time to investigate the condition of the boats and to discuss a collaboration with either Jubilee or another boating group. Playground Equipment Heetlng: Set for Monday, March 6, 2000. Plans are to share information to help with the planning and selection of equipment. Planning Department: Discussed letter received. Will sand copy of previous letter written in response and ask for notif'r. ation of public hearing. New Budget: After some discussion and a few amendments a metion was made and seconded to approve budget (Nut to exceed $600,000) for submission to the Mayor. Motion carded with all in favor. Lynch Park Parking Fees: Motion was by made by Keyin Hobin to increase weekend rate to $12. Five in favor, 3 opposed. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS Open Space: Tom congratulated Dave and his committee on putting together a great plan that has received enthusiastic suppart from the Mayor and the City Council. Field Summit: Bruce reported a good turn out. Everyone had good suggestions and ideas. Lyneh P,,rk Trustees: Arthur reported that at their last meeting the Trustees approved funding for the work at Obear Park, the catch basins at Lynch Park, the new retaining wall at Lynch and some seawall repairs. Discussed the barn and the snack bar. Zt was decided it was appropriate for funds to be approved for repairs to the exterior of building. They appropriated up to $3000 for the deer and outside repairs. No money was approved for interior work. Other issues with the barn were discussed. Zt was suggested that the Mayor be asked to put together a committee to make recommendations to the Commission and the Trustees about the present overall condition of the building, as well as, plans for renovations and future use. Youth Collaboration: Plans progressing. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Gaff .1 Carmody Recreation Department