2000-07-13 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: July 13, 2000
Place: Beverly Recreation Dept.
Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Arthur Powell, Lauren
Board members absent: Ivy Mahan, Kevin Hobin, Patti Adams
Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully, Mike Papamechail, Phil Klimowicz
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted with the addition of Mark Casey to those present.
DPW Report
· Balch: basketball court being redone, will build a street hockey rink, taking out playstructure, regrading, new sod
and new sprinkler system planned.
· Lynch: would like to install a new roof on the shell and the bathhouse and paint both
· Bubblers: have been ordered for Obear, Bessie, Vittori
· Innocenti: set of bleachers have been ordered ($4200). Park could use another set if the Rec wants to purchase
it. Could save some on 2nd set and shipping if ordered together.
· Mr. Papamechail addressed the complaint from Barbara Feenan about beach cleaning. He explained that he
sends a crew (5 men and 2 trucks) every Mon, Wed and Friday to clean the 9 city beaches. Job is very labor
intensive, tide dependent, and it takes them all day. In the future he would like to contract out this job.
· Discussed issues raised by the Soccer League regarding shortage of fields. Centerville School may not be usable
due to lack of maintenance by the School Dept. Memorial possibilities were discussed, as well as, Balch when
work is completed. Mike explained there is no funding in his budget for school property and that his crews are
straight out with the field they do maintain. He would like to cover all fields but the School Dept will not commit
and money. The soccer group said they would find a way to contribute some funds.
The Commission thanked Mike for all the results and his support in making long selved projects happen. They
expressed their sadness in seeing him leave and told him that they will dedicate a "leaf" on the Memorial Tree in his
Commission met with Mrs. Karr who explained the incident at the park involving her children and Tim Hayes. She
asked for an update on the situation as she has not been able to find out.
· The Commission explained that the caretaker was an employee of Dept of Public Services and action was
out of their hands.
· Mr. Scully relayed that when he spoke to the Mayor he was told that the City Solicitor was investigating
and would advise him on how to proceed. Mr. Scully made it clear that the Commission wanted Tim
Hayes off the premises. Mr. Handly told Joan that the Commission should put this in writing to the
· Mr. Scully suggested having the police issue a "No Trespass Order" and explained how that would work.
· A motion was made by Lauren Young that a No Trespass Order be issued immediately to restrict Tim
Hayes from Lynch Park. Motion was seconded by Mr. Powell and carried with all in favor.
· Motion was made by Mr. Powell that a letter be written to the Mayor advising him of their action and
reasons and request immediate removal of Tim Hayes from the barn. Motion was seconded and carried
with all in favor.
· Mrs. Karr asked for a copy of this letter.
· Benches: 7 being installed at Lynch Park with 3 more on order.
· Park Equipment: Bids were opened. Due to an error of missing information from Landscape Structures they
· were eliminated. Bid was awarded to Dr. Play. Money has been encumbered and installation is expected by
Sept. 15th.
· Dix Park: Equipment had been scheduled for this year but was put off due to construction planned to eliminate
flooding. Mr. Scully was told that the City will find the money to do the equipment for Dix that was promised. He
further stated that the Commission should not make any further commitments as the money for additional
improvements has been eliminated from our budget.
· Lauren Young asked about trash barrels for the Common. Mr. Scully said he would contact Mike about the
barrels and also ask about the picnic tables that have appeared at some of the parks.
· Park Regulations were reviewed and edited.
· Open Space: recently had a very productive meeting which resulted in the sharing of many opinions and ideas.
· Commission met with Marty Goldberg to discuss her request to name the tennis courts at Cove for Lloyd Johnson.
Commisson explained that under the guidelines this request does not meet the criterria for naming of a facility.
They suggested the group purchase a bench to be placed near the courts.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail J. Carmody
Recreation Department