2000-09-07City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: September 7, 2000 Place: Beverly Recreation Dept Board members present: Bruce Doig, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Mahan and Arthur Powell Board members absent: Elizabeth Caputo, Mark Casey Others present: .loan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully, Mike Collins and Phil Klimowicz Patti Adams, Lauren Young, Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with the addition of Kevin Hobin and Patty Adams to the members present and the fact that a tree will be planted at Lynch Park in honor of Mike Papamechail. Phil introduced Mike Collins, new direclor of Public Services. They reported · Balch moving along, equipment in the works · Lights on the basketball courts need replacing. They will get'some pdces. · .loan asked about the bast way to secure portable toilets at the parks to eliminate tip overs. Phil suggested the units be chained to the fence (company would need to provide a hook eye on the unit). · Discussed fixing up Balch for use by Pop Warner including the concession stand. Met with Lisa McFadden about First Night. Approximately 3000 people attended last years event. They are asking for use of the Common again. Everything went great there last year. Would like to get a larger tent this year. Phil reported that the turf took several months to recover he asked if a carpet layer could be laid down under the tent. Notion was made that First Night Beverly be granted permission to erect their tent and conduct their activities on the Common subject to final approval by Phil Klimowicz. Motion carried with all in favor. DTRECTOR'S REPORT · Report on Summer 2000: Staff was excellent, programs had good numbers and were well received. Way too much rain hurt the camp programs. Having to move the activiUes to indoor locations day after day made things difficult for the staff, the kids, the parents. The Recreation Dept. really needs their own facility to better accommodate the 150+ children who daily attend one of the camp programs homed based at Lynch Park. · Volleyball: presently hurting for gym space for the volleyball leagues that have bccn playing for almost 25 years. This year the School Dept gave permits in the elementary schools we usually use to Pop Warner Cheerleaders and a new girls basketball league. We are trying to work with these groups to get the gym space we need for volleyball. · Discussed need for signs of "Do's and Don'ts" at the Common, in the Rose Garden, etc. Met with a parent from McKay Playground about equipment for their park..loan explained that no funds are in the current budget for new playground equipment. Space for equipment at McKay is limited. The parent's group will meet with an Equipment Rep to determine what type of equipment would be possible. It was suggested that volunteers install equipment to save money. Fund raising was discussed. Discussed the need to figure in annual maintenance costs and the possibility of putting a cap on how much money the neighborhood groups can spent on equipment at any one location. Beverly Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes September 7, 2000 Page 2 Discussed letter to Judge Amore. Bruce asked about the statement regarding never replacing the fence. He felt the intent was that replacement, if ever necessary, would only be with chain link not wood. Everyone agreed to change wording. OLD BUSINESS · Lynch Park Update: Tom reported that he does not know the status of the Hayes situation. COMNZ'CI'EE REPORTS · Open Space: will be prioritizing some 300 open space properties in the city. Land Forum has bccn set up for October 4th hosted by the Committee and the Essex County Green Belt. All invited. · Lynch Park Trustees: recently met to discuss upcoming projects. Meeting adjoumed. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Dept.