2000-10-05City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: October 5, 2000
Place: Bevedy Recreation Dept
Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell
Lauren Young
Board members absent; Ivy Mahan, Elizabeth Caputo, Patti Adams
Others present, Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully
· Tom Scully reported a request to consider locking up the parking lot at Harry Ball field.
Neighbors have noticed activity there at night and it was determined that in a recent robbery
in the neighborhood that access was gained through the park. He checked with Tom Bussone
who did not have a problem as long as they had a key. He also spoke to the Police and was
told they did not know of a general problem with people hanging around in the lot and felt it
was extreme to fence and lock area. Cruisers will carefully watch the area and Tom will check
with them in a few weeks.
· Tom spoke to the Mayor about the soccer field at Moraine Farm. There is an agreement in
principle, but City does not own the property. Area needs to be staked out then final details
can be ironed out. Questions rose about parking.
· Discussed the problems with the new equipment at Obear Park. Equipment has been
repaired. Also discussed recent vandalism. Joan emailed Mike Collins who said he would try
to clear the area of shrub and suggested some lighting.
· Discussed having a ribbon cutting at Obear Park at the Ryal Side Civic Assoc's Fall Festival.
scheduled for October :15th.
· Discussed sign for Dix Park equipment sponsor. A sponsor is donating approx $35,000. Joan
suggested sponsor name be included on sign listing park rules. Others felt sponsor sign
should be separate. Motion made to allow the sponsor name on a separate sign attached to
an existing sign.
Motion carried.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as wdtten.
· Equipment has been completed at Obear, Bessie, Livingstone and Balch
· Falconer: restortation plans going forward, dagger should be completed late October
· McKay: received their wish list (approx $65,000)
· Pershing Ave Field: Joan recently informed that it is City property.
· Cahill Park Sign: design still needs to be decided
· Harry Ball Field: Tom sending a draft of the bid to City Solicitor next week
Commission Minutes: 10/5/2000
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· Open Space: Had a meeting this week and discussed the list of priority sites. Recently held
their Land Forum. Good showing of people that were invited. Very productive.
Annual Dinner meeting was discussed. Depot Restaurant was selected
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department