2000-06-02City of Beverly Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: June 2, 2000
Place: Beverly Recreation Department
Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo,
Lauren Young, Ivy Mahan
Board members absent: Kevin Hobin, Mark Case,
David Gardner, Arthur Powell, Patti Adams,
Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written.
· Go ahead was given to sealcoat the courts at Obear, Balch, Vittori, Cove, Pleasant View and Bessie.
· Results of the meeting with the Planning Board were discussed. Planters was accepted by the City, and
Maplewood rejected. Joan suggested that the Commission needed to formally accept the Planters
property. A motion was made by Lauren Young that the Commission reluctantly accepts the property at
Planters with the condition that the city immediately send out a Fence Co. representative to access the
fence and report on what is required to make the fence safe. The City should then act on that
recommendation to correct the situation after which time the Commission will be ready to accept the
property. Motion carried.
· Discussion was held on the Longfellow Fence. Neighbors are still insisting on a wood fence. The Mayor
called Mr. Scully and asked that the situation be resolved and wood fencing be installed. Mr. Scully
agreed that it was time to move on to other Issues. Arthur Powell moved for reconsideratlon of his
motion at the May meeting at which time it was decided to install chain link fencing. A new motion was
made that a Fence Co. rep be asked to advise the Commission on the best wood material for fencing at
that site, that the fence be replaced around the perimeter of the park and that the neighbors be notified
that this is the only time this fencing will be replaced with wood fencing and that the maintenance will
be their responsibility. Fencing is not to exceed $12,000. Motion was seconded and carried with all in
· Park signs were dlscussed. A motion was made by Dave Gardner that five park signs (Independence,
Lyons, Odell, Vlttori and Wardell ) be purchased this year at a per sign cost of approximately $520
installed. Other park signs at a lesser cost will be purchased from the new budget. Motion was carried.
· Joan reported that she is working with Chris Bradley on the RFP for playground equipment. Bid will be
opened on June 29.
· Discussed agreement with Little League and Harry Ball Field. Bruce expressed the need for a formal
written agreement. Mr. Scully noted that legally we are required to do a RFP for rental of the
· Park tour was successful.
· Joan spoke to Phil about a dog park. He suggested that dump as a potential site.
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Minutes of June 2, 2000
· Open Space: May meeting was held. Some great maps were put together. Together with the Essex
County Greenbelt, the group will organize "land forums" where they will invite properly owners to
discuss easements or selling of their property.
· Lynch Park Trustees: Arthur reported that at the conclusion of the parade on July 4th a bench at
Obear Park will be dedicated to Hap Leonard.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department