2000-02-03 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: February 3, 2000
Place: Beverly Public Ubrary
Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell, David Gardner,
Patti Adams, Lauren Young and Ivy Mahan
Board members absent: Elizabeth Caputo
Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully, Members of the Planning Board, Tina Cassidy, Mike
Papamechail, Phil Klimowicz
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written,.
Commission met with the Planning Board members regarding Tot Lots. Board reported that they have no plans for
any more tot lots. The Board assured the Commission that should any developer propose a tot lot in the future they
will refer it to the Commission. Discussed the problems at the Maplewood site. Situation needs to be resolved as the
City did take $10,000 from the developer and the deed to the tot lot site. Tina reported on some options according
to Marshall Handly. Option One: Money could be used at another park in Centerville. Option Two: Since the site and
the amount of money is not adequate, the City could divest themselves of the property by getting the City Council to
declare site surplus property, hold a public hearing and put it out to bid. Income could go to equipment.
Planters sub division was discussed. Deed has not been accepted yet by the City. Equipment is already on site. It
could be requested that the site be deeded to a neighbors association instead of the city. A public hearing would be
· Open Space: Committee adopted a recommendation to the City Council that the most importants parcels to
acquire are the Hill & Santin parcel at Sally MiIligan and the Greens Hill parcel (near Ayers Ryal Side School).
Tom Scully recommends that the Recreation Commission write the City Council and endorse this recommendation.
· Youth Collaboration: Have seen a draft plan for the building. Present Youth Center site still being considered.
New builidng may mean loss of the basketball court and hockey (tennis) court.
· Discussed "Guidelines for Cancellation of Activity on City Athletic Fields" and "Field Policy". Copies of both
will be sent to the leagues with the Field Summit meeting notice. Discussed playing under dangerous
conditions, such as, lightening. Joan recommends a strong message from the Commission that games must
be called at the first sign of lightening. Permits could be revoked. Motion was made to accept the
"Guidelines" and "Field Policy" statements as presented. Motion carried with all in favor.
· Discussed "Proposals for a Program (Long Term) to be Held at Any City Park" and Proposals for an Activity
(short term). Fees, if any, would be charged based on the program or activity and what services they
would required. Add under 5C: usage fees to be determined. Other editing was suggested. Reverse
items 3 & 4. Motion was made to accept with revisions. Motion carried with all in favor.
Mr. Papamechail is seeking costs from Bardon Trimount for five courts (Obear, Vittori, Cove and Bessie). He plans to
start the wall and drains at Lynch, as soon as weather permits. He asked that the meeting about Harry Ball Field
be set up as soon as possible. He asked about Touch-A-Truck and was told it is planned for the fall. He plans to
have a crew paint the bathhouse at Obear Park. Board of Health has advised him that much work is needed to the
barn in order for Dick & Junes to open in the spring, in the concession area the building needs new doors, beams,
siding, etc:. He will seek some bids for the work and report back to the Commission.
Minutes 2/3/00
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· Proposed pay rates for summer staff: hourly rate increases were discussed. Proposed rate increases would add
$7500 to City budget. Motion made to accept rate increases as proposed. Motion carried with all in favor.
· Discussed proposed increase to weekend parking fee for Lynch Park. Joan suggests raising the weekend rate
from $10 to $12. Weekday rate would remain at $5 ($3 for seniors). Increase would help cover new rates for
gate and ranger staff. Some members felt the $12 rate was too steep especially if the full fee is charged up to 5
pm. Reduced rate after a certain time, as well as, a weekend senior rate was discussed. Motion was made that
the rate be reduced at 3 pm to $8.00. Motion carried. On another motion by Mr. Powell the original motion and
vote was rescinded. This motion carried with all in favor. Joan will put together a projection of how much
additional income would be realized by increasing to $12. Decision was tabled.
Rates for other summer programs were discussed.
· Park Signs: Designs submitted by Debbie Hurlburt were reviewed. Mr. Scully recommended the red cedar with
vinyl lettering. Cost to put a sign at all parks estimated at $15-20,000. Motion to accept sign design (in green
with gold lettering). Motion carried.
· Financial Update: discussed current situation with the Enterprise Fund.
· Smoke free solutions request was denied.
· Discussed camp registration which began on February 1st. A lottery system for next year was suggested, as well
as, limiting the number of sessions people are allowed to register for.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department