2000-11-02City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: November 2, 2000
Place: Harry Ball Field Meeting Room
Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin,
Patti Adams, Lauren Young, Ivy Maban, Arthur Powell
Board members absent:
Others present: Joan Falrbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully, Phil Klimowicz
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written.
Phil reported
· Balch: recently completed sod, recommends a sign for the use of the hockey rink area. People have
been inquiring about lights for the area. Lights for basketball court have been ordered.
· Dr. Play: Phil's crew has had to clean up excess stone, wood chips etc. Joan will speak to them about
cleaning up site before they leave.
· Discussed fencing. Suggested removing fence at Cove Playground baseball field to open field to other
sports. Little League only using Cove for practices.
· Discussed letter from Waring School requesting use of the Cove tennis courts. Joan suggested field time
in exchange for tennis court time. Perhaps for Lacrosse as long as they will have an in charge person at
the field at all times Phil questioned assuming responsibility for private property, i.e., damage to field,
trash clean up and removal, etc. It was suggested that league using field be responsible for clean up,etc.
· Dog Park: Commission met with Animal Control Officer, Paul Cotter. Discussed conflicting
ordinances. Discussed Brimbal Ave Dump as site for a Dog Park. Smaller dog areas in other parks was
also suggested. Mr. Cotter will continue his research and report back. He is working on rewriting
ordinances and is proposing new ones. Joan said she prefers the ordinance "No Dogs Memorial Day to
Labor Day" as opposed to Memorial Day to Labor Day with hours listed. Dogs should always be
leashed. A motion was made by Dave Gardner that the Commission is in favor of an ordinance which
forbids dogs in the parks Memorial Day to Columbus Day. Seconded by Kevin Hobin. Motion cmttied
with 8 in favor and 1 abstaining. Tom Scully asked Mr. Cotter to send him a draft copy of the ordinance
when he has it ready.
· Commission met with Marie Burns regarding a multi purpose field at the North Beverly School. They
would like the Commission's support for them to go forward with making plans for this area. A motion
was made by Lauren Young that the Parks and Recreation Commission is in favor of and supports
plans for a multi purpose field at the North Beverly School. Motion carried with all in favor.
Recreation Commission Minutes 11/2/2000
Page 2
· Mom's Softball Tourney and Touch A Truck were a great success.
· Volleyball situation has been resolved as the basketball league only has 4 teams.
· Park Benches: over 30 have been ordered since the spring. Room for 24 more. Phil suggested
selecting spots for picnic tables at Lynch Park and permanently installing them set in cement slabs.
Joan liked the idea but would like keep some tables that could be moved.
· Harry Ball Field: Purchasing agent has reviewed proposal prepared by Tom Scully and just needs to
change a few technical points. Lease would be for one year (Jan 1 - Dec 31) for the Concession stand
and storage facilities with two one year renewals.
· Carriage House: the Recreation Dept needs to have control of the facility, especially as a rain site for
the summer. May need to ask the Guild to move their summer art classes to another location. Building
is officially under the control of Public Services. Joan will speak to Mr. Collins in advance of the
December meeting.
· Lauren and Patty reported on the work they have done to date. Lauren spoke briefly with Tina Cassidy
and will setting up an appointment with her to go into more detail. Public meeting for the Master Plan is
scheduled for November 16th.
· Open Space: Recently dedicated the Sand Property. Was an excellent event with a very good turn out.
· Lynch Trustees: will support the refurbishing of the Falconer. In light of budget reductions for
playground equipment, they would also like to support new equipment for a park, perhaps McKay.
Dix, Lindsay and Dane were also suggested.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department