1999-09-02O City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: September 2, 1999
Place: Recreation Dept.
Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, David Gardner, Keyin Hobin, Zvy Mahan, Arthur Powell
Beard members absent: Albert W. Churchill, .lr., and Lauren Young
Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Torn Scully, and hlari Matt
Previous minutes were accepted as written.
· Request to name the tennis courts at the Cove Playground for Lloyd Johnson was discussed. Marcy Goldberg
explained that neighbars are all in favor and money has been collected for a small plaque. The Commission will
review request.
· Beverly Golf & Tennis - Budget was cut from $300,000 to $150,000. This wifi only cover course & pool
maintenance. A bend would be necessary to cover any repairs and capital improvements.
· Joan asked Field Committee to consider a policy for protecting f~ld from overuse, as well as, considering a charge
for private school sports teams. A meeting with Phil Klimowicz was recommended.
· Discussed a request from Peter Searoans for a letter to be written ~cJarding adding a culvert to the Hannah
School property. Motion to send letter as written by ,loan.
· Courts at Cove and Cahill have been crack filled, sealed and repainted by NF Sealcoat. Cove, Bessie, Vittori and
Gillis basketball courts have been cieaned out and crack filled. More work planned.
· Discussed the new fence at Cove Playground. It was noted that more entrances are needed, It was also noted
that aitho it may make the park safer for children, as well as, keep cars from parking on the grass, for the
neighbors, it does not have the best appearance and we have had some complaints. It was agreed that each
member would go to the site, look it over and return with some recommendations. In the future, the Commission
will ask for more details on projects planned by the City.
· Falconer Restoration: ,loan has been in touch with the Conservator of Statues for Central Park who was
responsible for the restoration of the original Falconer. He is willing to help get ours restored. There is a
possibility of grant money. Cost to be determined after he visits the site, 3-8 days of work would be required..
· Discussed a meeting with a group of Beverly people who wanted to host a Bike Rodeo Competition here in
Beverly. After discussing their needs it did not seem that any Beverh/site would be suitable. It was agreed tho
to put together a Committee to develop bike and walking areas and trails in the City.
Marl gave some of the highs & and lows of the summer. Discussed the new Health Dept regs and the problems they
caused us, as well as, other groups in Beverly.
· ~loan recommended a shelter of some sort for the gate attendants. Perhaps a shed or roof of some kind. Other
possibilities were discussed.
· Discussed possible sites for "dog parks".
· Dave reported on the Conservation Meeting on the Henderson Road Hockey Rink. He recommended that the
Commission send a letter to the Mayor asking that the Commission be invoked with the planning of the area.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Gaff Carmocly
Recreation Dept