1999-06-03City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: June 3, 1999
Place: Recreation Dept.
Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, Arthur Powell and Lauren Young
Ivy Mahan
Beard members absent: Albert W. Churchill, Jr., David Gardner, ,Kevin Hobin, Jane Lyman,
Others present: ,loan Fairbank, Recreation Director
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written.
Commission met with Jake Petronzio, the Chairman of the Veterans Way Memorial Advisory
Committee. This committee advises the Mayor on Veteran's issues as pertains to the City.
They have a small annual budget of $2,500. Discussion was held on Veterans Memorials at
Odell Park. Mr. Petronzio explained that since the Civil War all Beverly service men left from
the train depot and many family good-byes, as well as, Welcome Home Ceremonies were
said from the park. The committee's goal is to keep the memorial simple while honoring the
five major engagements. They are asking the city to move the statue currently in Momument
Square. The original intent was for the Civil War statue to be placed at Odell Park, but
politics intervened. The Committee feels the statue is somewhat hidden in it's current spot
which is no longer the center of town. One fundraising effort that was discussed was the
selling of "name blocks" which could be installed around the momument. The committee is
also asking the city to move four cannon from the cemetery. The group also discussed plans
for Vittori Park which the Mayor has asked the Committee to focus on. Joe Vittori was the
first Medal of Honor receipent. As well as fundraising the Committee is seeking grant
Joan recommended that the Commission approve or amend the plan as presented and to
send a letter of support to the City Council.
· Report was made on the meeting held at City Hall regarding Maplewood. Jack Murray left
it that the land be put in the neighbors hands or the money returned. The $10,000 came
from the developer not the residents. It was also suggested that the money be put into
equipment for Cahill Park. The Maplewood site will not be a park as the land is not
· At another City Hall meeting to discuss signs at parks the Councilors agreed that the
policy set by the Recreation Commission will be followed in the future. The signs
currently up at Innocenti were allowed to stay in place until the end of the 1999 BHS
· A request from Health and Education Services to place "Clear The Air" signs at the parks
was denied.
Discussion was held on recent problems with the new fountain. Clogging of the filter has
occurred due to people and their pets using the fountain to wash off sand from the
beach. Signs with various wordings were discussed. Mr. Powell noted that the
Committee that worked on the fountain project would need to be consulted on any signs
placed in the fountain area. Suggested wordings were:
"Please stay out of the water" and "Use of fountain forbidden". Mr Powell opposed any
sign that with wording about rollerblading, or skateboarding. It was suggested that the
Rangers focus more of their time near the fountain.
· Policy for use of the common is needed as the office is receiving requests to hold
weddings and events at the new gazebo. Liz and Lauren agreed to work with Joan on
a policy.
· Lauren reported on the meeting she and Tom Scully had with Mr. Lupino. It seems
that the McKay School will eventually be used for administrative offices. She hopes to
meet with the Mayor in July to find out what plans he has for the Edwards School, as
well as, the Central Fire Station once the new station is built.
· A letter from Tina Cassidy regarding the Planters Estate (Wentworth) tot lot was
discussed. The letter explained that the site is nearing completion and the
Commission is asked to decide if it meets their approval. $15,000 is being held in
bond money and the tot lot will be released once the Commission is satisfied with the
construction. As last seen (98 park tour) there were many problems that needed to be
resolved. Joan will visit the site again. The Commission had previously agreed not be
accept the tot lot at this site and had recommended that the City keep some of the
money for maintenance of the area.
· It was suggested that the Commission write a letter praising Mr. Papamechail and his
department for all the improvements made around Beverly.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department