1999-10-07City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: October 7, 1999 Place: Recreation Dept, Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, David Gardner, Keyin Hobin Board members absent: Ivy Mahan, Lauren Young ,Arthur Powell Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully, Finance Director John Dunn, Marl Matt Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. Finance Director was present to address the City's proposal to buy out the notes Little League holds on Harry Bail Field using funds ($106,000) from the Recreation Enterprise Fund. Joan expressed concerns that the fund could not afford this withdrawl and still meet the Department's requirements for the balance of the year. Mr. Dunn reported that there was plenty in the account. Balance at the end of the fiscal year 99 (June 30, 1999) was $196,000. The $50,000 for playground equipment has already been accounted for. At this time he sees only the amount $32,615 that needs to be transferred to General Fund to cover salaries listed in the Enterprise Budget. Inpact could be felt if this years revenues do not exceed expenses as they have in the past. He reported that revenues have comfortably exceeded expenses the past few years: $33,000 in 1996; $32,000 in 1997; $36,000 in 1998 and $23,000 in 1999. It appears to him that there are sufficient funds to acquire the assets at Harry Ball Field. There will be revenue generated by the contracting out of the concession stand but he did not know how much. That money would go back into the Enterprise Fund. Joan spoke about the fact that funds need to be transferred for part time summer salaries (at least $40,000), and the additional back pay due to Denlse ($3000) and the Evening coordinator's salary. She asked for a guarantee that the $106,000 would be paid back to the fund. Bruce noted that although he knew of the City' s interest in paying off the Little League loan, tonlie was the first time he heard the money would come from the Enterprise Fund. John explained that legally the City cannot just assume the note as they first intended and they do not want to get a bond. It seemed logical that since the field will come under the Recreation Dept and some revenue would be generated that the most appropriate place for the money to come from is the Enterprise Fund. He also needed someplace to put the revenues. At this time of the year the City has a reserve fund but he does not want to nick that in the first half of the year because ofunforseen expenses such as a bad snow storm. Concerns such as maintenance costs were discussed. John felt those duties would be handled by DPW. Little League' s contribution to the field maintenance should be reflected in the amount they bid on the concession stand. Motion was made by Keyin Hobin to approve a transfer not to exceed $106,000 from the Enterprise Fund for the buy out with the understanding that the City (Dept of Public Services) will assume the maintenance costs. In addition, the income derived from the bid for the operation of the concession stand will remain with the Enterprise Fund. Motion was carried with all in favor. Public Heating will be held October 18 at City Hall. Written notice of the Commission's decision should be sent to the City Council. Recreation Commission Minutes October 1999 Page 2 DIRECTOR'S REPORT · Joan spoke at meetings of the Improvement Society and the Garden Club recently. She thanked them for the planting they do at the Garden. · At the Annual Dinner Joan recommends that some type of recognition be given to AI Churchill for his 33 years of service to the Recreation Commission. · Discussed letter from the Homecoming Chairman regarding their request to open up Lynch Park for vendors during Homecoming 2000: Tom asked for details. Will vendors be limited to Beverly vendors, how many, what type of goods will be sold ,etc. Commission should retain the right to be selective and approve all vendors. Criteria should be set by the Commission on what is acceptable. · Joan received a call from Marty Goldberg regarding the naming of the tennis courts. Policy committee will review request. · Joan spoke to Mrs. MeGlynn about the Cove fence. She went door to door and found that only 1 neighbor did not like it. Bruce also spoke to several people using the park who were very happy with the fence. Dane St. Bathhouse: seems that someone is living there on and off since the summer. DPW night man will check into it. An alarm for the building was suggested. Falconer Restoration- we will be getting a proposal with costs detailed Hastings House Program - we were approached by the Hastings House to run a once a week program at their location. The program began Sept 24 and will meet every Friday for 10 wks. From 5-7 pm grades K-4 attend and from 7-9pro grades 5-9. Kids pay $3 each. We provide the staff for a variety of activities, including games in the gym, arts & crafts, special holiday theme parties, etc. The Hastings House will pay us a set weekly fee. Liz asked about why the signs are still up at Innocenti. It was suggested that DPW be asked to remove the signs and if the group does not claim them in a timely manner that they be trashed. Meeting adjourned. Gall Carmody Recreation Department