1995-09-07BEVERLY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of meeting held September 7, 1995 Present: Don Anastasi, Joe Paluzzi, Liz Caputo, AI Churchill, Sam Wilde, Dan Klemis, Jane Lyman, Recreation Director Joan Fairbank, and George Zambouras. Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. · AI Churchill reported that parks at the worst he's every seen. No maintenance done. No watering. Chairman asked Mr. Churchill to prepare a report thatcan be presented to DPW about field maintenance requirements. NEW BUSINESS Met with Little League representatives Tom Bussone and Rod Maxher and Harry Ball Reid shutters Peter and Elaine Copalas. A number of issues were addressed and solutions agreed upon. Issues involved time games would begin and end, restrictions on loud speaker announcements, parking and field maintenance. It was also agreed that after July 4 some games will be moved to other field locations so that Harry Ball Field is not used every Saturday and Sunday from 8 am to 10 pro. A motion was made by Joe Paluzzi that these conditions ( as stated in the attached letter) be made part of Little Leagues permit for Harry Ball Field. Motion was carried with all in favor. D!scussed fie d conditions with George Zambouras. Limited manpower this summer' did not allow for a regular watering of fields. Discussed the possibility of sprinkler systems for some fields. Discussed seeding of the Lynch Park point area, as well as connecting Rec Office to sewer line. George stated problems with ledge in the area. Obear Park Project: Need to meet with area neighbors to see what they would like to see done there. Joan estimates refurbishing basketball and tennis court is be approx. ~20,000. George felt it could be done for less (~ 15,000). A meeting with Maureen Troubetarie was suggested. Joan suggests a meeting on site at Obear Park. It was decided to meet at Obear Park, Sept 19 (Tues) at 9:30 am. Gids Softball has approached Conservation about land in Centervilla (near Standlay St. gardens). George reports that it looks like most of Conservation Cornmission is in favor using some of their land for gids softball fields. Discussed areas for outdoor ice skating. City Council has ordered DPW to build and create as many outdoor rinks as possible. Commissioner Wilde thanked George for a great report. Mr. Churchill praised the DPW men that helped Little League during their toumament. Discussion was held on the sign being provided by NYNEX for Lynch Park. Mr. Anastasi created a committee to come up with a design for this sign, including the wording. Assigned to this committee were Liz Caputo (chair), Joe Paluzzi and Sam Wilde. The committee was also asked to recommend a style for all park signs and were asked to report back to the group in 2 months. Discussion was held on handicap ramp for Rec Building. Joan was asked to get more details for the next meeting. Chairman asked all members to work on a list of goals and projects both short and long term for the November meeting. DIRECTOR'S REPORT -Joan reported on an excellent, busy summer. Letters to the Editor from happy participates were written praising swim instructors, park instructors and Safety Village. -Joan reported that the fall brochure will be available thru both the Bevedy Citizen and the Salem Evening News very shortly. -Joan reported that City Auditor Don Young attempted to transfer the money in our Revolving account to the General Fund. After a mating with DOn. Joan convinced him otherwise explaining that this account was the only one that we could dbposit trip and show money. Meeting adjoumed. Respectfully submitted, Gall J Carmody Recreation Department