1998-01-15 Beverly Parks & Recreation Minutes of meeting held January 15, 1998 .Present: Bruce Doig, Liz Caputo, Al Churchill, Jane Lyman, Tom Scully, Mari Matt and Joan Fairbank. Viewed "Benefits of Recreation" video. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Nominations for chairman: Jane nominated Bruce, nomination was seconded. Vote was unanimous. DIRECTOR'S REPORT .Described Teacher Appreciation Night scheduled for Mon, Jan 26 at the Library. All teachers in the winter/spring evening program have been invited to meet each other and share information. .EOCD plans for work at Dane St. Beach Bathhouse and Bartlett Gardens. Mr. Scully suggested a latter be written to EOCD asking them to clear all plans through the Recreation Commission. He has spoken to the Mayor about all groups clearing plans for any renovation, etc, to a park in the city through thc Commission. .Joan has talked to Michael Papamechail about removing Brown equipment as soon as possible. Discussed other equipment repair needs, adding safety surfaces, etc. Jane suggested that the top 2 priorities are to 1) remove dangerous equipment and 2) add safety surfaces. Joan asked for permission to remove any other equipment deemed dangerous and beyond repair and identified as a high priority by the inspectors for immediate action. Jane made a motion to have Joan identify and work with DPW to remove, as soon as possible, equipment deemed most dangerous. Motion carried with all in favor. .Received a certified letter from Beverly American Sports Conference regarding field summit meeting and fields for next season. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Dept. JANUARY 1998 RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT PROGRAMS All winter/spring programs are planned and in the brochure. That is currently at the printer and scheduled to be delivered next week. We have programs going on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday nights. This includes 85 enrichment courses plus ongoing courses, 2 shows and a trip. Camp information is also included in the brochure. We will be holding a first-time event, a Teacher Appreciation Night, on Monday January 26th at 7 PM at the Library. This is meant to bring together the 50 instructors to get and give informafion. I will also be showing the "Benefits of Recreation" video so that they develop an understanding of the big picture. We have lots of talent in this group nnd I welcome you to attend and meet them. PUBLICITY Brochure will be out next week. It is being printed by Wilkscraft. Web Page will be updated to have infommtion on Programs Winter/Spring Courses Camps Summer Fall Employment Welcome About Us Commission Playgrounds Work History Falconer Policies Sticker information Schedule Use of Park Parks lndividual park information name, Iocation, facilities Sports Fields Coed Volleyball Women's Volleyball Youth Sports Tournament information Webmaster is Dave BeauIieu and he is maintaining it with Mari's and my help. I toured Obear and Lyons Parks with EOCD in regards to handicapped accessibility. Some wiIl start this year through their department. I have been working on the playground report trying to make the best decisions on how we should now propel. The equipment at Vittori needs to be removed immediately as well at one arch climber at Balch and at Ieast a couple of concrete structures. We need to decide if all parks should have equipment. 14:z4:55 FO~ PERZDG: 07 JAN OBJ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ANNUAL BUDGET CURRENT ROBUDGET C~ty of BeverLy HON~LY BUDGET ANALYSZS CURR NO BUD6ET EXP~IDGD PCT TO DATE PA6E 1 BUELlAn 8.5 PERCB(T~E OF YEAR REIL~ZNZDG: ~ EXPENDED ENCU#- AVAZLABLE PCT TO DATE PCT BRAHCES BUDGET AVATL OR; 16201 bcreat~o~ - Persof~L Ser 51105 DGPARTEENT HEAD 5113~ PRZNCZPAL CLERK 515~1Z.~EVZTY 51699 PART TZHE STAFF 41,457 27,841 1,~00 84,307 SAI-~RXES AND VAGES 155,005 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 17,52~) 0 Y Z3,917 58 X 0 0 X 0 11,779 0 X 16,062 58 X 0 OX 0 0 OX 1,~XX) I(X) X 0 0 X 0 82,250 0 X' 2,057 2 X 0 0 X 0 111,S69 0 X ~3,4~6 2.8 X ORGANXZATXOfl TOTAL 155,005 OR; 162G2 Recre~ti~- Purch Servic 52101ELECTRXC 1,200 5~1UTZLZTZES 0 52~ZO'HAXHTESANCE - BUXIE! 19,000 SZz,~) .HAZNTENANCE 5Z&56 EBUZPRENT REPAXR 14,015 PURCHASE OF SERVICES 64,215 5350~, DATER SAFETY 0 53510 IGXECOflXNG UEEK 3,200 S3810 011(ER EXPENSES 3,085 ORGANZZATZOfl TOTAL TO, 5(XI OR; 1620~ Recreation Dept-Suppties 5350~ DATER SAFETY PURQ.IASE OF SERVZCES 8,185 5410~ HSATXNG FUEL 5~.17 BOARD R;ETXNGS/EXPEN ~.5 5~.610FFXCE SUPPLXES 2,CXX) 5480~, TRNISPORTATXOfl HTNCE 8(X) 5~807 VEHXCIE AllOWANCE SUPPLZES 4,1E5 S5152 SPECXAL SERVZCES 6,545 SUPPLIES 6;545 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 0 02 0 02 0 0 02 0 0 0 111,569 0 X ~,&36 ~8 2 0 375 0 X 735 90 ? X 0 0 OX 0 OX 0 2,012 0 X 1,600 15,388 81 2 0 0 0 X 30,000 100 ~C 0 600 0 X 13,415 96 X 0 2,987 0 X 2,335 58,893 92X 0 0 OX 0 OX 0 2,~30 0 X ?70 2/* 2 0 2,354 0 X 13~ 597 19 X 0 7,771 0 X 2,469 60,260 85 2 0 92~ 0 2 956 50 2 0 5,728 0 2 13& 2,TM 28 2 O 32 0 ~ 411 57 11 X 0 0 0 ~ ~5 1~ X 0 1,~ 0 ~ 176 131 7 X 0 ~ O~ 2~ ~6 28X 0 0 O~ ~ 0 OZ 0 4,~5 0 ~ 610 1,4~ ~ ~ 0 4,~5 0 ~ 610 1,4~ 22 ~ ORSANZZATXOfl TOTAL 12,570 OR; 1620~ Recreation - Other Expns 57105 HEETZN6S AND EXPENSE 850 02 0 ?,~.8 0 2 2,077 3,065 24 2 0 2 0 300 0 2 550 65 X Bex ~10 Georgetewn, Mass. 018~ December ~, 1997 Miss ~ean Pairbamk Beverly Reereatiem Dept. ~50ber street Ly~eM Park Beverly, Mass. 01915 Dear Miss ~airbamk: Please allew ne ta imtreduoe myself. Y aa the Public Relatiens Directer fer the Beverly A~erican Sperts Oenferenee. .'.' ~t is my understam~ing that a meeting will be held in tke near future, te be attended by Beverly s~erts erganizatiems, fer the put, ese ef assigning athletie fields fer the 1~ spert seasens. Please advise me, and alse eur fiel~ ee-ei~inater, Mr. Riek Erieksen, ef t~e°l~eatiens and times ef this meeting er meetings. Yeu may reaeh me at tbe'abeve address, amd Mr. Erieksem at his regular address. you weuld .care te have me meet ~ith yeu te discuss our erganizatien's ~lans fer the future, please de ne~ hesitate te netify me. Very truly yeurs, ~il Pit'~ea l~ablie Relatiens Director ~everly A~eriean Sports Oenfere~ee 1-978-~?~-5048 ~4 Wirlin~ Drive Beverly, ~asso January 1], 1998 Dear Jean: Sines our Pablic ~elatiens Directer ef the Beverly Ameriean Sperts Cemferense, ~il Fitten, wrote te yeu a short time age, reques~im$ that.infermatiem ~e ferwarded te me and also te him regardi~gupeening neetimgs te allocate ~blie field time in 1998 te the various Beverly s~erts ergamizatiens which desire field ~ezmits, we have not hear~ from you. ' Please advise me by netifyi~me at my ~irlinS Drive address, regardimg this infermatien. Very trmly yours, ~iek Erieksem Field Ce-er~inater Beverly Amerieaa Sperts Oenferenee