1996-10-15ORDINANCE REVIEW COMMITYEE REGULAR MEETING The Ordinance Review Committee met on Monday, October 15, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. in the Mayor' s Conference Room, City Hall, Beverly, MA. PRESENT: Mary Grant, Arthur Powell and Crystal Atherton. ABSENT: Tom Alexander, Roy Gelineau, Elizabeth LeBrun, and Gerry Parisella. The members present continued reviewing the draft of Elective Organization, Multiple Member Bodies, Administrative Organization which drafte is dated 6/06/96 and contains 47 pages. At the previous meeting at which Atty Curran was present, we had reviewed through page 10 including the Beverly Airport Commission. We began on page 11 and the following is a list of questions, recommendations and proposals to discuss with the Committee and Atty. Curran: (1) It is imperative that we have a clear ordinance as it relates to the position of Budget/Analyst as this position is a requirement of the Charter. It was suggested that we draft an ordinance which more clearly defines the job specifications of the position setting forth specific tasks that this employee would do to assist the Council in analyzing the City' s budget and putting forth recommendations that could actually save the City money etc. It appears that the duties of this position are so vague that the Council does not feel the need to fill this position which is unacceptable and in violation of the Charter mandate. (2) To include in the general standards of the multiple member bodies, language coveting their terms of office, whether or not they all serve without compensation and remove that language liom each of the specific boards. (3) What had Atty. Curran found out by speaking with the Town Council for the Town of Barnstable which also have a Home Rule Charter and an Airport? (4) How the Clerk of the Board of Appeals would fit into the new Planning and Economic Development Department? Under our Zoning Ordinance at page 105, the Clerk of the Building Inspections office is also the Clerk to the Board of Appeals. Will this be mandatory under the new Charter ? (5) What is the Beverly Partnership, what does it do and does it still exist? (6) How does Chapter 30B effect the leasing of the Beverly Golf and Tennis club? Does the terms of office need to be enumerated specifically in this section? (7) On page 15 under Economic and Community Development Council, the members may be different due to the Reorganization and new job rifles.. Take a look at that? (8) Board of Health. Many questions concerning this Board. Under the old Charter the Board of Health was appointed by the Council. There is no mention in the new Charter concerning the Health Deparhnent and their duties have been split by the new ReorganiTation Plan. Enforcement is with municipal inspections and remaining duties with Health Dept.? Does the Board of Health still exist or has this depa.haent become a Health Department under the Director of Community Services? Lastly we must set a target date for the presentation of our draft ordinances to the Council, Mayor and School Committee. Crystal will call Mike to discuss the above matters with him. We will meet this coming Monday evening at 7:30 to continue reviewing this 47 page document. Respectfully submitted, Crystal Atherton